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NJ American water taste?


NJRC Member
Anyone with NJ American water have horrible tasting water last night ? I see they have an alert out. It tasted funny even through our filtered water


NJRC Member
Alot of people are experiencing this,I have a feeling from resivours and wells being so low rot and decay of plant life and lots of fertilizer run off are going to be part of the reason


NJRC Member
Alot of people are experiencing this,I have a feeling from resivours and wells being so low rot and decay of plant life and lots of fertilizer run off are going to be part of the reason

Yeah, they ran over 200 tests and couldn't find anything wrong with the water. I did a water change on my tank yesterday, everything seems fine


NJRC Member
It was found out to be a leak at a repackaged center that did fragrances and essential oils

Adam L

NJRC Member
We too only drink 5 stage RO water. Not deionized of course, like I use for my tank. I have two separate systems. Personally, I would never drink plain tap water no matter what the water company tells you.