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NJRC mentioned in Tropical Fish Hobbyist February 2012

Hey guys - I signed a waiver for two pics I took at the NJRC frag swap. Supposedly they used them (unless it got edited) in the feb edition of TFH 2012. I checked out the digital version and it seems to be a section called "Aquarium Society News" on page 105.

Anyone have it? Shari H was the editor that went there and interviewed a few folks. Curious what the article is about (swap? speakers?).


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wow! You’re published!!

So I guess you can retire now and live off the residuals.

Congratulations! Can’t wait to see what it’s all about.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Just go to PetCo or PetSmart and take a peek at the article. Hey you may even end up buying it.
You could also go to our sponcers and ask if they carry it. . . I know Trop does, and I believe Will at AO does as well!
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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Was in Trop this weekend and looked, they still had the Jan issue up. Patiently waiting for the Feb issue.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
The Feb issue is out!!! We are on page 105 and it is a very nice article. Great pictures Hawk and the club comes across great (just have to popularize my last name so it does not get spelled wrong).