Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Andy.....they need time to color up. My slimmer is just now showing its green-ness but still has a long way to go. They were under some old lights, got somewhat stressed in the move, and Merv has 65K's for growing more than color on his frag tank. It will take a little bit but they will color up.
I am officially out of this buy, my damsels laid about 100 eggs in the top half of a clam shell a day or two ago, expecting them to hatch about 11 days???? (and feed my tank) I think thats a bit of a load on my tank and I want to overt a disaster, since I am house/ dog sitting for my sister the next two weeks. I once again thank grasshopper, pyhl and steveH for all the help they have given me with this buy and over the years, thanks guys, and gal. On top of all this my sinus/ allergies are in an uproar, I have had a headache for 3 days now and not sure why, the only thing blooming right now is ths southern magnolia and the japanese pagoda tree, they have never been a problem in the past. My head feels like it wants to explode (wish it would to get it over with) even my teeth and my hair hurts, go figure. I have been eating alaverts and advils like they were cheetos! Hope you all get what you want out of this buy.
Mike, I work for the company that makes alavert and advil. Please make sure you follow the directions for taking the advil. It is a very ptent drug for being OTC and can cause some problems with your stomach/digestive system if you overdose for an extended period of time. Alavert won;t work on such a bad case, so I wouldn't bother taking it. (And for the record it is the exact same thing as clarinex so don't bother switching to that either) Your best bet is Advil allergy and sinus. It packs the best punch for OTC in regards to sinus issues/allergies....
I rearranged a few things in the frag tank, and took out unnecessary rocks and dead/dying stressed out branches. I took a few frags and placed them on reefplugs so they do not touch each other and do more harm. Most of these will encrust in 2 weeks, so they will be ready and growing in time for the August meeting.
The club has a ton of nana, a few frags of the Smooth purple SPS and a few choice select pieces of staghorn and green slimer on reefplugs. The Montipora and humilis I left untouched, so they are still one big colony.
Joe, I got them from bostonaquafarms. they have 100 pieces for under $30 shipped. I used all my 100 already, was actually pondering on who might want to do a bulk order if you're into fragging a lot. they have frag disks too, great for softies and zoos.
I acquired a few more last month, so I'm OK for now. I'll let you know when I'm down to my last dozen. I'll drop you a PM to see if you have any. Appreciate the thought.
interested in the humilis, but i couldnt find pics of it. do you have any? also, i cant make it to the Nov. meeting, are these available to be picked up anywhere else or are you the sole keeper of the humilis? If you are I guess i'll just have to wait until the december meeting.
I thought I did. hmmm sorry.
I'll post pics tonight. Waaaaaay later tonight (hopefully) since the tank lights are still off, plus I'm receiving more club donations from SDC (yipeeee!) in a few hours via Phyl and Bob.
SO, I'll take pictures of those as well (in another thread)
We've been moving some of the stuff up to Jackson as needed and I can take them to work with me in East Brunswick if there's anything you're looking to pick up. Happy Shopping!
Phyl is coming by on November at my place (**please please please** LOL) to pick up most of the nana mini-colonies, base and frags as well as the humilis and Montipora (sp?) so that everyone up North has easier access as well. She'll leave a few pieces down here as well for the Southerners....
the club still have something to sell??? if you guys do please let me know im really interested in buying some, thank you for any information and pictures if it si posible