• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.



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Dropped off all artwork and everything looks good. Also, as we had over 50 shirts we got an upgrade in quality to Gilden 65 cotton/35 poly shirts. The shirts are very comfortable and very well made. They fit true to expected size. They will be in 'Heather Royal' which is a medium blue and 'Dark Heather' which is a dark charcoal color.
If you like, you can see them here: T-ShirtWholesaler.com: Gildan G640 Euro-Fit T-Shirt SoftStyle™ Cotton

Should all be ready by the 18th for pickup at the meet. For those requiring shipping I'll priority them out on Monday the 20th for a Wednesday the 22nd delivery.
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I will not be able to attend the meeting. I believe my address was included in the paypal payment - if not let me know and I'll send it again. Thanks so much!


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With the exception of 3 shirts, which I will pick up tomorrow, everything is ready for pick up or delivery.
I've sent some PMs out to those who I need addresess for.
Obviously if your attending this weekend's meet you can pick yours up.
If not attending the meet please PM me and we can arrange a time for you to pick up, or, if feasable, I can deliver.

Total collections were $527.50, total cost was $569.55.
Paypal does take a cut, which I figured into the price (shirts were actually $9 and change each).
So, we were approximately $40 short.
I was sure I was on top of it, but if you guys can verify your payment was sent would appreciate it (I don't need notification if it was). If it wasn't and you can send it, it would be appreciated.
Regardless, if all payments were made, then I messed up the math, so no worries.
EDIT: I'll eat the $40 - just realized I never figured in the tax, which amounts to approximately $38. See kids, had I paid attention to that accounting class in high school...

Kudos to Shore Tees in Brick. The shirts look fantastic, are high quality, and as far as I can tell for such a complex order there isn't a single mistake. I'm surprised, I figured there'd be a bit of back and forth but no need. They did a great job.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Mark good job in handling this and it looks like the shirts came out great. I can't wait until to meeting to see them in person.

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njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
It's not right that you have to eat the additional charges. I say that everyone who has order a shirt throws another buck for each shirt ordered. I'll be giving you another two bucks at the meeting. How's joining me?
I'm in agreement with this. Now I gave $17 (cause wasn't sure I was making the meeting so I did $10 and $7 for shipping) I am making the meeting put please keep the extra $7 and I can give another dollar or two

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LOL, no dice guys. I'm a victim of my own bad math. Thanks though. Just wanted to throw the info out there as there wouldn't be a donation to the club on residuals and I wanted to give full details on where the money went. Not a big deal, I've got it covered.