• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.



NJRC Member
hope all goes well, maybe a generic shirt with no names, then the club can sell and use proceeds for some kind of benefit or something like that.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I organized this and ran it a couple years back. Decided not to continue as in the end cost me over $100 out of my own pocket.
Some didn't pay, I paid some shipping out of my own pocket, and I still have some unclaimed shirts at the house, one is the leveling mat for my 10g Xenia specific.

If anyone wants to pick this up and run with it I'm happy to provide the logo and template in Adobe Illustrator format (it is layered, so you need to know AI to use it, and AI isn't easy). Can also provide a simple jpg, eps, etc. and you can import the picture into another program and add the names under it. Find a printer, give the eps files and viola, done deal.

Another option is that I can run a second order with the original company (they did great work), but I would have to average out the cost of the shirts and assume every one is going to be shipped, get a final number, find an average cost, and collect from everyone in full before the run is made. The original run was $10 - $12 per personalized shirt plus shipping (USPS priority $8 for up to 4 shirts I think). Everyones shirt would be delivered via USPS. I will not do the 'drop off at meeting', 'I'll pick up', or 'Give it to Mr/s. X for me' in order to save on shipping as these are the majority of shirts I got stuck with.

Let me know if someone wants to take the mantle, or if I should modify existing files for a new run if folks are willing to do $18-$20 for a delivered shirt (and $10-$12 for each additional).


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Size: XL
Color: Black
First name: ERIC
Forum name: ERICS210

Size: XL
Color: Blue
First name: ERIC
Forum name: ERICS210

Total Number of shirts: 2
Total Cost: $20
plus shipping $7

Eric Ruszkowski
56 Golfview Drive
Dumont NJ 07628

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