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Non Reef Safe Fish


NJRC Member
I kind of get it- better safe than sorry, but most non reef safe fish are omnivores ( and came from a reef) I know that some are very bad, but I've had butterfly fish that seem to pick at some corals- but never eat them. I currently have a large sunset with no issues at all
Does anyone else have a fish that isn't reef safe but is in your tank
I have a bicolor angel, flame angel, Valentini puffer, and a blue throat trigger. All are model citizens. I have noticed the Valentini pick at my Monti but that’s fine since it grows like a weed in my tank.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Flame angel, Coral beauty and Fiji puffer. No major issues. Us3d to have a bi-color angel but disappeared months ago.


NJRC Member
Valentini Puffer who loves Montipora and a FoxFace Lo who never touched a single piece of coral in 3+ years.