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Not sure what I am doing wrong

When I purchase corals I have a decent idea of what I want be for I go to the vendor and I also have an idea of my tanks water chemistry and what types of coral I have had good results with in the past.
I recently purchased a holly wood stunner chalice and a jack o lantern lepto.. Two types of corals I haven't had much luck with in the past hoping that everything I read on them being begginer corals or realitivly forgiving was true. My water chemistry was good the tank was plenty mature enough I had the right lighting and flow, so I made the purchase.
Few weeks later I am losing both of the corals. You can see pictures of the chalice in my other post and,the lepto I was to down about to photograph.. I just don't know what I am doing wrong, I guess you could relate this to my seeking better results post. My chemistry is good my lighting should be good the circulation ain't bad I have nothing picking on the coral but I am just not getting the results I would like .. S


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Do you test for amonnia? The last pic a I saw you had a healthy bio load. With you lighting, is it an LED? Do you light acclimate your corals?
Yes ammonia 0
The lighting is high intensity LEDs. And I always start my corals at the bottom of the tank for a few days in half light and move them up slowly


SPS Grow Out Winner
How deep is your tank? LEDS can be very strong. I have chalices at the bottom of my tank that grow. My Jack o lantern is on the sand bed 24" below the water lin and. My Hydra 26 hd is 10" above the water.

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How deep is your tank? LEDS can be very strong. I have chalices at the bottom of my tank that grow. My Jack o lantern is on the sand bed 24" below the water lin and. My Hydra 26 hd is 10" above the water.

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I actually think this could be the problem. I lost the chalice. And,my lepto looks bad my scoly which I had hidden,under a ledge to but I,moved the scoly and a Lobo that were looking like they were struggling to the sump where my old current USA marine pro led bar is and,they both look like they are recovering
Lower the intensity of your lights a little and see what happens. My tank is 27 inches deep and I have 30black box LEDs that are 8 inches above the water line and I'm at 20% blue and 1% white. My Hollywood stunner is on the sand bed growing like and weed and my jack o lantern lepto is a couple inches higher also growing very well.