• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

October 2011 - POTM Announcements


NJRC Member

October is here and so is the NEXT POTM...

Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fish or corals,
and the winner will receive a $20.00 gift card!!
Your winning image will be posted on the NJRC HOME PAGE

SO now is the time --- lets start sending in those winning image(s) today ...
last day to submit your image(s) is October 22nd

Please Send your best shot(s) as attachment(s) to : photos@njreefers.org
Please put POTM - USERNAME in the subject

The Official Rules listed here:



NJRC Member

Especially for those of you getting the new iPhone4S... go use it to take some cool pics!!

by the time i am home today, my new sweet iphone4S should be waiting for me!!! yah!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I ruined my "waterproof" camera last month when trying to take a pic for this contest. I had just uploaded some pics from the camera to my computer and I forgot to close the lil door for the connection port after unplugging the USB cable.

Stuck it in the tank to get a close up of one of my corals and it powered off instantly... and I knew right away what I had done. Hasn't worked since. :nightmare: Biggest bonehead move I ever made!


NJRC Member
sorry to hear that...

i will be expecting some POTM from you then?

how about try to play dumb and send it back to repair claim wife ruin it in swimming pool... (or hot tub...) ?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Nope the pics I wanted to send came out blurry, which is why I went in for more shots.

Yea thought about doing that. Have to dig out my warranty papers.


NJRC Member
with AT&T, the early upgrade cost $250 extra...

you may be able to do it with the same for Verizon, and then sell the old iPhone4 to cover that extra cost?

you can goto apple.com, click the order iphone4S than put in your phone number info, it will show you the upgrade cost.