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OIA Clam Progress thread!

What were they charging for clams may I ask? I am looking to give one a shot and would rather pickup semi-locally rather than have one shipped
Thanks.... I'll keep that in mind! Going to be transferring my tank to our new house (maybe even bigger tank) in the near future, so I don't think I am going to risk a clam until we are 100% stable again though.


NJRC Member
Nice @KenM , congrats on the new house (and maybe new tank)! All around, Alex's prices were very good. I'd be there more often if he wasn't two hours away. Regardless, I'll be stopping by occasionally. He actually reached out to me and checked on the corals I purchased at the meeting. We ended up on the phone for a half hour.



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Hi all.
I was disappointed not getting a clam that day, and someone was trading me for an anemone I had and also offered a clam. sent a picture with all blues and looked nice, not as nice as Alex's but for trade of a few corals. why not.
So i get the brain coral and clam. and under white lights brain looks good and clam looks BLAND. brownish red.
He said it was from here: BUt smaller. He paid only $79.99

My photo is under regular ATI T5 bulbs, 3 true blue and a white. nothing fancy. Is there hope that this thing just lost color due to the transport?
Or is this a bland brown clam?

I already wrote the guy and said I was unhappy with how it is colored.



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Have him in a 65 with T5s at the moment in my red Sea Max 250. He will swing over to the 210 display with ai hydra and Kessil combo once he clears protocol. So he will get plenty of light. Possibly a golden Maxima based on Diana and Danger Daves reply. Made me feel better knowing it may not just be bla. As I did trade for it.
Hi all.
I was disappointed not getting a clam that day, and someone was trading me for an anemone I had and also offered a clam. sent a picture with all blues and looked nice, not as nice as Alex's but for trade of a few corals. why not.
So i get the brain coral and clam. and under white lights brain looks good and clam looks BLAND. brownish red.
He said it was from here: BUt smaller. He paid only $79.99

My photo is under regular ATI T5 bulbs, 3 true blue and a white. nothing fancy. Is there hope that this thing just lost color due to the transport?
Or is this a bland brown clam?

I already wrote the guy and said I was unhappy with how it is colored.

Whats up man! That clam looks stressed from the get go before it was even shipped.... As JRWOHLER mentioned that the shell under the mantle should be white and shiny. But in a good condition environment it should bounce back so dont give up hope just yet!

diana a

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NJRC Member
Hi all.
I was disappointed not getting a clam that day, and someone was trading me for an anemone I had and also offered a clam. sent a picture with all blues and looked nice, not as nice as Alex's but for trade of a few corals. why not.
So i get the brain coral and clam. and under white lights brain looks good and clam looks BLAND. brownish red.
He said it was from here: BUt smaller. He paid only $79.99

My photo is under regular ATI T5 bulbs, 3 true blue and a white. nothing fancy. Is there hope that this thing just lost color due to the transport?
Or is this a bland brown clam?

I already wrote the guy and said I was unhappy with how it is colored.

How is your clam, and has the color changed?


NJRC Member
Clam status update. Last week it let go of it’s spot and fell off the rock I had him on. I noticed just as I was leaving for work. He was mantle down on the sand bed. I didn’t have time to do much, so I grabbed him and put him on a ceramic plug in the frag tank. He seems good, spins around here and there. I caught him with his foot out and moving once, he reaches down to the rack and moves the plug with him.

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