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Old lights=algae

Will 2 year old halides cause a brown algae to form on the sand bed? My parameters where good last i checked 4 days ago and will again today. I will post them after.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bryan said:
Will 2 year old halides cause a brown algae to form on the sand bed? My parameters where good last i checked 4 days ago and will again today. I will post them after.
With 2 year old bulbs your lucky that's the only algae you have. General concensis is a year or less on MHs. It's probably effecting your coral growth also.

Have new bulbs on the way but I just wanted to make sure that could be the problem so I don't chase a phantom Problem that might not exist.

I have no Alk test as of now.
Hi Bryan,

Nice spreadsheet. Do you test Alk? How about Magnesium? Is that in an excel spreadsheet? Are you willing to share it? I would like to try documenting my readings. My email is rbu2@verizon.net If you can send it.

Thank You
Yes, it is an MS Access report. I don't have the alkalinity or magnesium test kits yet, that's why they aren't there. Also, just installed my new halides and I love them. Will post pics later.
Here's a pic of my 72 prior to changing out the lights, which are awesome.


Will let the tank get used to it a bit before I take another pic.
Bryan said:

What version of Access do you run, so I can save it in the proper format for you....

Ut Oh.....I have no idea....Not even sure if my laptop has it. At work I see it says 2003.


NJRC Member
Duh, what a great idea. Here I write it down on little sheets of paper, which inevitibly get lost and I have no idea where they are a week later. I just made it up in Excel copying your format. Thanks Bryan. ;)
No prob it is only to keep my records and trends. I will (with the help from my friend Vikki) send any one that wants a copy of the file. I just need to know who has what version of access to run it.
Was going to attach the app but its too big. Will email it to those who want it. Will send as 2003 versdion since 2007 is backward compatible, that would be easier.
My personal expierience has shown me that old bulbs do create algae. I bought a used fixture which I was told only had 3 mons. on the bulbs. I guese he lied to me but I couldn't afford new bulbs so I went on using it. What a nightmare I had so much algae growing on the glass that I removed it and went back to my PC's until I could replace the T5's. LOL I guess thats how you learn that sometimes cheap isn't good. By the time I bought the new bulbs I could have bought the unit new and avoided the algae headache. LOL :-[