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Olympus - 1050SW


NJRC Member

what is the setting that you use for the Olympus 1030SW to take all your stunting pics?

i just got a new Olympus 1050SW for my daughter, and i tried to use it to take good pics with it, the color seems off...
it seems have no manual white balance? only auto white balance...?
i use underwater with super-macro, no flash...

thx for your great advise in advance...



Mine is the 1030 SW, also auto white balance.

I use the underwater macro, flash off most of the time, and have to try different lighting scenarios to get pics I like of various subjects.

I take a lot of pics to post the ones you see! ;D

Does that make sense???


NJRC Member
the Alien Eye Chalice should have look something like this: (image was from random search through web)

but my pic is way too blue...?


NJRC Member
i did all that...

so, your camera pic came out as exact color without any adjustment?
i may be able to adjust it back with photoshop... it is just too much work for every pics...