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Open to Suggestions


Staff member
NJRC Member
Have this horrible brown algae on the sand since I took out the ship. Today took a turkey baster to blow it off and the amount of dirt surprised me. What should I do? Keep using the turkey baster, rowaphos, etc. Pics below.


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NJRC Member
I Definitely would try to syphon some out during a water change. Maybe only do sections at a time. Just in case you release too much into the water column at once and cause other issues down the road. After you syphon a bunch out and do your water change wait an hour and test nitrates and phosphates to see if there are any improvements or if there is still too much you released into the water column. Depending on results leave it alone or another small water change.

If bad alga , test phosphate and then try a media reactor with phosphate remover if needed. Only one half the recommended amount for the first month or two and test it weekly. You don't want to take it out too fast or go to zero. If you notice your corals get pale or loose some color check phosphates right away. Remove reactor if needed and allow them to rise slowly over time or LOW dose Neophos to get a trace amount back in.

Hopefully this helps. It's only advice so do with it what you will. Best of luck with it and hopefully you will beat it!
Is it algae or detritus that has built up over time that is in the sandbed? If so just do sections at a time when doing water changes. I usually put a siphon right next to baster when cleaning sections of my sandbed and by the time I fill up 5 gallons the water is doodoo brown.


Staff member
NJRC Member
Did a 10g water change siphoning the sand. Damn it's freaking dirty.
Also pics afterwards.


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