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Opinions Please


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Updated link as I posted the wrong one.

My wife bought me this as a Birthday gift. Need to buy solution to calibrate but not sure where it what I need. Even if I knew how useful would it be for this hobby. I hate to sound unappreciative but for the money she spent i don't see it. I am considering returning it but wanted your opinions before I tell her.
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Hopefully someone who knows about this thing will chime in. I don’t understand how ORP helps in reefing. I know people use them, And some big name Reefers definitely use them. But how the heck the ORP numbers translate to the reef is beyond by present understanding. Dam it. Now your got me doing research. Grrrrrrr. Good luck Mark ;)


NJRC Member
You now have a gadget that, with a heavy drop in ORP, will tell you that your tank is about to crash because something big has died in it. As you shouldn't need an ORP meter to see that happening, I'd suggest you exchange it for something more practical. ORP probes have a small place in the hobby for anyone looking to fully automate a device like an alcohol fed nitrate reactor (like high end Deltecs). But I have no idea why Apex controllers give their owners the capability of using ORP probes and tracking the collected data. Good luck returning it...
You now have a gadget that, with a heavy drop in ORP, will tell you that your tank is about to crash because something big has died in it. As you shouldn't need an ORP meter to see that happening, I'd suggest you exchange it for something more practical. ORP probes have a small place in the hobby for anyone looking to fully automate a device like an alcohol fed nitrate reactor (like high end Deltecs). But I have no idea why Apex controllers give their owners the capability of using ORP probes and tracking the collected data. Good luck returning it...
Thanks for the info. At least now I don’t feel quite so stup
Randy Holmes-Farley has a long article on the relevance of ORP in a reef tank if you want to dive in.

My main take away is that unless you have an ability to constantly monitor and set notifications (like an Apex) for changes in your tank, there is little value to occasionally checking it here and there. Even then, I think most of what I have read leans towards not finding this too valuable but for aselect number of people like @radiata said.


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I don’t see value in an orp probe unless you’re trying to monitor ozone or an oxydator. And then, I’d want it constantly monitoring for changes....


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trade it in for the

PCTSTestr™ 50 Multiparameter Pocket Tester - Versatile—measures pH, conductivity, TDS, and salinity
Nice catch as I copied the wrong item. The one I have is the above as Mickey stated. I updated the link.


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I don’t understand orp. I have it monitored by my apex. But I can tell you this when my orb drops usually something is going on in the tank. If your skimmer over flows that can drop your orp. When my tanks orp is lower than 300 I will do a water change and the numbers usually go up.anything over 400 and the tank is happy.


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Guess I shouldn't use my phone next time, text is to small to read.

The one that has TDS, PH, Salinity, Temp and Conductivity says to calibrate before using. I did not come with any solution and I cannot figure what solution I need to order to calibrate.
I did test the temp and even thought the external digital is set for 79 this thing measured my temp at 85. I did lower the temp setting from 79.
Nice catch as I copied the wrong item. The one I have is the above as Mickey stated. I updated the link.

looks nice to me. i dont think price is really an issue considering the multi-functionality. i guess it really depends on what equipment you already have. i use api for most of my testing and an old style floating hydrometer, and well i havent bought a tds yet. so would be a step up in my case. but really i'd rather have dual tds on my rodi. i did buy a hanna copper tester and it is not without its own drawbacks. first of all, it took a dummy like me several attempts before i learned how to use it correctly and even still i mess it up sometimes. my other issue is that it comes with these salt packages that you have to keep on buying. i dont mind the expense but its just a hassle to keep buying them. these little packages of salt are more difficult to handle than cocaine. i always find this powder all over the desk and its impossible to get it all out of the package. i take the reading as not exact but merely around... better than looking at a color chart for 20 minutes i guess


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The salinity checker is nice. I have that same one and it’s great. If I had to buy one today, I’d but the stick type. They make that form factor, and so do a few other mfrs.


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Okay I found the calibration solutions for PH and Cpnductivity. The other 3 don't require calibartion: TDS, Salinity and Temperature.
That being said the salinity display says out of range.

Not sure which I need for Conductivity as there are 2.

What do you all think I should do?


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What about the Hanna checkers?
Was thinking of returning and getting the Alk and Calcium checkers instead.
35ppm water is supposed to be 53mS/cm. Would it want to use both solutions to make a standard? Otherwise it seems that a single standard as close to the wanted level would be the best.

Though in your place I think I would rather trade that for the digital refractometer. Those Hanna checkers with refill reagents would be nice too.


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I am going to return it and get something else.
Thanks everyone.


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+1 on amado.
The Milwaukee salinity and the Hanna alk are the two most worked items I have.