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Our new 29g aquapod

Hey everyone...
Elizabeth and I have decided to start a 29g aquapod.
I have read a few items on this board relating to modifications that were done prior to setup...i.e. swapping out the stock pump, or what to do with the chambers in the back.

If anyone has any helpful hints as to how to get started, it would be great.

Right now, the plan it to use 15 gallons of water out of our established system, 15 gallons of new water, LR from our system, and new live sand. It is our intention to make it a mixed tank of small fish and corals.
With the 1/2 the water and rock coming from our established system, how long do you think we should wait prior to adding livestock?

Can't wait to share our progress and hear what you all have to say.

Kenny Z.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We just setup a 3g for my son with water & rock from our existing system. Put the 2 little (itty bitty tiny) clownfish right in there. :)
Is this Kenny with the chicken recipe? Just curious.. :D Man that is good! Anyhow, Welcome to the wonderful world of Nano! :D For the decent ( not bible ) information please check out my signature AP link. That should help you in modding and what to think about.

I think having all those things in the tank especially since they all came from your running system may limit but not stop your cycle. You might get luck. However, I would still wait the initial 2 weeks to see what happens, and as Phyl says throw a couple little fish in there to get it moving along. Some fish you won't feel bad about if they are lost for some reason ( we always feel bad, but you get the idea )

Have a great one and don't forget to post image progress and ASK anything!!!
So we got everything put together....
The first question is where should I be putting the heater?
I bought a stealth from AqOb and first chamber is not deep enough for it, the second has the bio balls (lr) and the third has the pump so the water level is not going to be that high.
Does it need to go in the main tank?

Kenny Z.
KennyZush said:
So we got everything put together....
The first question is where should I be putting the heater?
I bought a stealth from AqOb and first chamber is not deep enough for it, the second has the bio balls (lr) and the third has the pump so the water level is not going to be that high.
Does it need to go in the main tank?

Kenny Z.

I can't belive one of the Nano guys has not jumped on this question. I would help but I have no idea..........


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mine is in the middle chamber. I would recommend you get rid of those bio balls and put it there.
JohnS_323 said:
Mine is in the middle chamber. I would recommend you get rid of those bio balls and put it there.

Thanks John,
I guess it makes sense that the water needs to be that high in there. I will just creatively stack the live rock I plan to put in that chamber to one side.

Appreciate the advise.

Kenny Z.
absinthe how would you make it a refugium? cant put any sand on the bottom that's where the holes are for the water to go through for the return.
twan said:
htkdkid said:
twan do you have any rubble with the cheato in center?


Good question...I put some in my "fuge chamber" but I guess I am wondering how much it really helps? I mean I have 2 lbs ish in the back but 25-30 lbs up front. So do you think every little bit helps or it just gets in the way and collects crap?