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Par meter rental now a available!


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
ATTENTION NJRC!! We now offer a par meter rental for all members and non members. The meter is an Apogee SQ420 with the meter wand. It's a simple plug and play meter that just needs a laptop or anything with a USB port. Rates are as follows.

Members $30/week
Non members $40/week
Deposit of $250 for any rental. Returned as soon as meter is returned.

Pickup in Edison


NJRC Member
You should be able to get a USB to USBC and can use on tablets / androids. Totally unsure about iPhones though lol


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Ok so tried it on my Android phone. No good. It doesn't detect the meter with a USB C to USB A plug. Maybe someone who has an iPhone it may be different


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Guys the app is pc based so will work on a computer (pc / Mac).

@DEL can you select the desktop version of the app on the android. That might work. iPhone wouldn’t work. I tried it
Hi @DEL I can help out and rent my MQ-510 if anyone needs a par meter that doesn't require a computer. Deposit would have to be higher to cover the cost of replacement, as they are not cheap.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
WOW… have the same SQ-420 and although I had for a while, first time using it and WOW!
Things APPEARED bright to me…but my PAR values were WAY lower than expected or hoped to see.

I did some tests with adjusted Intensity%, and to get the desired PAR levels, I will be slowly raising the intensities, acclimating and raising again over the next month or 2.

Strongly suggest taking advantage of the Club Rental option.

Highly recommended!!!
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Nice deal. I rented an Apogee in the past from Reefco when I first got a crocea clam to figure out the best tank placement. I’m glad I did because this turned out to be directly under the light and required my XR15 to be turned up to max intensity. Even then I was only getting a little over 200 par and have started looking additional lighting.