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Performing Large water changes


NJRC Member
I am considering doing a large water change this weekend as i heard its a good way to "reset" some parameters/elements to the system.

System volume is 65 gallons with displacement im calculating around 50 gallons total.

I'm thinking of doing 20 - 25 gallons?

Is this something you have done? good idea or bad idea?

Current params:
ALK: 7.7
CA: 420
Mg: 1380
NO3: 20
PO4: .14

ill be using Brightwells neo marine and i typically do 10% weekly.
If your tank has a slow drain on the elements, a 10% weekly is more than enough. Unless you are trying to fix some parameter. If your stocked up, I'm not sure if big water changes are worth it over dosing though.


NJRC Member
How does the tank look? While it could be said that your alk is a little low and your po4 is a little high neither is terrible. Stability over chasing numbers.
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NJRC Member
I would agree with Salted. Do a small change maybe 5g to see what your alk goes up to and maybe run some GSO to drop the PO4 down a bit. However be careful with GSOas it does strip alk as well.