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I don't understand what is going on.
My Hammer is gone, nothing there so something ate it but not sure what. This is the 4th one so far.
The 2 Feather Dusters are missing. The entire thing even the tubes; no where to be found.


NJRC Member
I don't understand what is going on.
My Hammer is gone, nothing there so something ate it but not sure what. This is the 4th one so far.
The 2 Feather Dusters are missing. The entire thing even the tubes; no where to be found.

What’s your stock list ?


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Stock: Don't beat me up I like fish
Purple tang
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Rock Beauty
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty
File fish
2 fire fish
2 very small engineer gobies
1 clown
1 yellow fang blenny
1 melanarus wrasse
2 conch
2 serpent stars
sea cucumber
some crabs and snails, 1 crab is fairly large

PH 8.4
Calc 400
ALk 10
Salinity 1.024
Phos - 0
Nitrate 20

I have not tested phos and nitrate since I'm back. I was dosing to increase Phos and reduce Nitrate.


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I forgot to add I have a Coral banded shrimp and Blood Red cleaner shrimp.


NJRC Member
I forgot to add I have a Coral banded shrimp and Blood Red cleaner shrimp.

Take out the hammer branch. Does it smell like death? 2 are unrelated most likely. Are the engineer govies digging near the Dusters? They may have taken them into their caves.


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The gobies are small and not digging; only digger in the back is my Diamond goby.


NJRC Member
The gobies are small and not digging; only digger in the back is my Diamond goby.

I think your gobies took the worms. Just my opinion or they just died. Not an easy animal to keep long term. Your hammer probably is kicking the bucket from something like brown jelly disease. Would be interesting to know what it looked like the few days before it went missing. Fluctuations in Alk along with an injury caused by nipping or improper flow are usually the cause.


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Only had them a few days. Dusters were out. Hammer was just not fully extended.


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NJRC Member
These fish are not 100% reef safe and anyone of them
Could have ate your hammer. File fish also eat feather duster

Rock Beauty
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty
File fish


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Agree. But the whole tube is gone on Dusters. I never see the angels bother the LPS but who knows.


NJRC Member
The hammer could have popped off the skeleton, I didn’t think that could happen but Dave had two yesterday in a cup that popped off and were still alive. Could have happened to you and floated under a rock where you don’t see it. Ask Dave about it.
the duster is a mystery.


NJRC Member
Agree. But the whole tube is gone on Dusters. I never see the angels bother the LPS but who knows.

Don’t just trust for what you see because I thought the flame angel stopped nipping the second day on the coral but nothing was opening up as before and now everything is happy thanks God
Let's for a moment pretend we are madreefer's fish and view the glass cage in their eyes.

Every day food appears magically. It is wonderful. There are no predators. The water quality is truly better than the ocean! Food appears every day. It's a splendid and beautiful glass cage. Then suddenly the food stops. Where did the food giver go? New York? Maybe Florida? Don't know! Oh it's so MADdening! A few days later, we are introduced to new tenants who have come from Florida! These folks seem nice enough but the best part is they came with some delicious treats that like to hide in their tube. I think at night I might check them out to see if I can eat one...especially if mr. big crab pops them out of their protective tube first. Oh it's such a great place to live in this cage. Our food giver was so kind to even bring us live food!

I can't speak for the hammer, but that is my Hugo award winning essay on what happened to the dusters in Madreefers tank. =) I'm very sorry to hear what happened but sometimes our fish are too smart for us.


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Apparently, its odd no trace of the Dusters. The Hammer yeah head could have popped off but why?
I had some sticks from Eric a slimmer and forget the other. They started to turn brown and assumed bad water or fish.
As stated reduced nitrate and increased phos with regular addition of Alk and Calc.
Come back from vac and they are more green than ever.


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While you were away and I was watching your tank I trained your fish to eat nothing but expensive corals.
It's payback for our days at MIT where your portable nuclear reactor beat out my weather machine at the science fair.