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Surf - Bill's pistol shrimp is from the atlantic, and they do not have any relationship with fish. It is a hitcher from the gulf of mexico LR he got from Tampabaysaltwater.
A condylactis anemone also "functionally" looks the same as a bubble tip anemone - but one eats fish and the other hosts fish.
ha, now that you mention that, that pistol looks a little more like he would functionally clip the tail off a goby. I guess that's just what Bill gets for trying to do the right thing and buy American. I knew this place would be a fount of knowledge - impressive answer - thanks. Now if someone could just tell me if my cleaner shrimp's clipped tail will grow back, I'll be super impressed.
You won't believe this but I think I have one of these in my tanks.. LOL
Too true... Just found it tonite.. Too funny...
Mine is Much smaller... less then 1/4 "
But extremely interesting to watch.....
I'm gonna keep an eye out for this little bugger....
I'm not actually sure which type it is at the moment...
That little guy moves so fast and he is small..
One of my HUGE (3-4" LOL!)Hermit crabs is digging into the hole he is in; Presently... :-[
So I'll try and get a Pic as soon as I can
havent seen any of my pistols in a while, but i hear them all the time. i have no real reason to get rid of them, which is good b/c i doubt i could catch them anyway