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NJRC Member
I've bought my pods on ebay in the past with free shipping- hoping to find some recommendations, looking to buy multiple types with free or cheap shipping- can also combine an order with someone in Morris county ( or close- I'm in Chester)


NJRC Member
I've bought pods three times now:

1. BRS sells Algaebarn products, but their shipping is significantly less expensive. These are my favorite pods so far.
2. Florida Reef Labs on eBay. This one bothered me a bit, as I didn't really trust them. I don't know why...just didn't see much movement in the bottle.
3. Guy on R2R (Holback) who sold me 2 bottles of pods and 1 bottle phyto, shipped for $49. They were the little bottles (tiny water bottles) but a lot of life in them.


NJRC Member
Pick up those little reef nutrition bottles, you will be shocked how many pods are in them.


NJRC Member
Lol what ever you do don’t buy pods from reef cleaners i ordered 3 bags 2 bags literally 1 pod in there even had my brother look with a microscope bag of water…
The other bag wasn’t sealed correctly so it was all over with my snails again bag of water like mwil76 said reef nutrition heard great things about them


NJRC Member
I've ordered a bunch of times from Jay's reef bugs. They were good, cheap and alive. Had a problem with delivery once and they hooked me up with a free order. I'd definitely throw them some more business.