They get big man. I have a friend with a green house were he keeps his. They're very cool.She is a good size, about 14 inches. My Sulcata is twice the size and about 45lbs. He's to big to house indoors during winter. So this weekend he is gone, gave it away.
Lol so does he. I would have to ask. He's a vet so most of his animals are "rescues" or injured. I'll let you know I may see him tomorrow actually. I would go in his green house more but he has a bunch of snakes as well and I don't like snakes at all.Depending on species yes they can get big. Does he want to buy any? I am selling the yellowfoot and I have a redfoot looking to get rid of. My son is moving out of stste and can't take all his reptiles. I really don't have time to care for them properly. He's taking 3 pythons and 7 other turtles with
My house is a zoo.