Now I see that some may host. I guess it depends on what you get.
If you have clowns that host, they may battle it out. These crabs can also stress an anemone out if its not a very large anemone.
The ones I have I never see. They went right for the rocks when I put them in and done. Those and the Pom Poms.
Boxer crabs will become more visable if you feed them via a pair of tongs or baster. Very shy animals at first.
Porceline crabs will def host your BTA, but unfortunately we are all talking about two different crabs
One host anemones and one is a rock dwelling crab
Neopetrolisthes ohshimai will host anemones and is found in the pacific and indo, phillipines
This one is more white and spotted
Petrolisthes galathinus is a caribean crab that might host an anemone but it more associated with rock work. This one is much darker