Hey members and guest.
The club has been facing an ever growing problem with meeting attendance especially the ones outside of central jersey. (Extreme north and south ). From what We’ve noticed south of point pleasant is low attendance and so is north of let’s say Rahway.
So we have been mulling over a few causes and solutions.
First the monthly might to frequent. So we were considering making them quarterly.
In addition given the location bias we were thinking of having them in central jersey. Similar to what was done in Jackson last year.
We think ‘‘tis will improve attendance and spare our members / host the financial drain of hosting since the club may handle it /c a year and maybe collect or do a pot luck. In addition we feature vendors at the event. In a rotation.
This is an idea that is being vetted. So please post away.
ALL Personal attacks or disrespectful comments will be immediately deleted. The BOD wants to have a nice open professional dialogue with the community to fix this problem.
Let’s here it all guys.
The club has been facing an ever growing problem with meeting attendance especially the ones outside of central jersey. (Extreme north and south ). From what We’ve noticed south of point pleasant is low attendance and so is north of let’s say Rahway.
So we have been mulling over a few causes and solutions.
First the monthly might to frequent. So we were considering making them quarterly.
In addition given the location bias we were thinking of having them in central jersey. Similar to what was done in Jackson last year.
We think ‘‘tis will improve attendance and spare our members / host the financial drain of hosting since the club may handle it /c a year and maybe collect or do a pot luck. In addition we feature vendors at the event. In a rotation.
This is an idea that is being vetted. So please post away.
ALL Personal attacks or disrespectful comments will be immediately deleted. The BOD wants to have a nice open professional dialogue with the community to fix this problem.
Let’s here it all guys.