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Possible Southdown replacement


I noticed that too, wonder where they have it. Maybe I'll call lowes and see where in the continental USA they have it.

I was at Homedepot the other day and they had a "fine white beach" sand, I was in a hurry and didn't get a good look any chance that one would be OK?

And thanks for posting this in any case Rev.
i think it may only be available in hawaii.

edit - btw it's hard to tell if the Pro Pak product is aragonite or silica-based.

I would suggest aragonite only because it can help buffer your tank. I believe Silica could increase the likelihood of an algae bloom.
i would be nervouse to use a substrate that was not specifically intended for aquarium use.... what if the use recycled or by product concrete pieces as filler..... with what we invest in our systems, i wouldn't want to skimp on one of the least expensive things we put in there.....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
...with what we invest in our systems, i wouldn't want to skimp on one of the least expensive things we put in there.....

I couldn't agree more.
i would be nervouse to use a substrate that was not specifically intended for aquarium use.... what if the use recycled or by product concrete pieces as filler..... with what we invest in our systems, i wouldn't want to skimp on one of the least expensive things we put in there.....

Well - southdown was meant as play sand and marketed by Home Depot - but it became the mecca for reef enthusiasts. I mean, why pay double the price at an LFS when you could get the same aragonite sugar grade sand from a big box store?

That stated - for this specific example, I'd tend to agree with you Reeflections.

Heck you could save some more money by just going bare bottom! ;)
I don't doubt that play sand that is made from aragonite would work in a reef system.

However, my thoughts tend to think in terms of cost verses benefit. In other words, you'll save some money on sand, but it's nothing compared to what you'll spend on a reef system. Just consider what you spent or will spend on lighting, filtration, live rock, and livestock.

The question now comes down to this. Is it worth putting my livetock at risk to save the small amount on sand? Generally, I'd say no, but there could be exceptions if you are doing an especially large tank, or a coral farm.