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Potential Re-Setup saltwater tank

I was out of the saltwater for quite sometime - since Sandy wiped me out.
My sons request to have a pets but we have problem with allergic (cat).
they're both very disappointed since we can not keep any dog (we're not home everyday until 4:30pm) or cat (allergic). the older son remember the old fish tank and like to setup a smaller version. I and his mom are combative about it but I might have to bite the bullet and jump back into the hobby.

I need help in equipment.
1) what are the best quiet low maintenance skimmer out there? tank size is in the 75 Gallons to 180 Gallons
2) circulation pump
3) Sump/refugium ? DIY or buy?
4) Light LED, what brand cost/lux?
5)anything that can run on battery ?

well water and septic, what is your recommendation?



NJRC Member
So many options. I'll post what I like, I'm sure you'll get plenty of options.

1. Any skimmer that you can get a neck cleaner. Drain the cup to a larger container. You will only have to empty the remote container. Because of this setup, I only have to clean every six months or so. I would run a size or two larger. You can always turn it down, you cannot make it more powerful.
2. I think Jebao is the right way to go, but there are plenty of options to pay more.
3. I've done both. It depends on how much work you want, or space you have.
4. I'm a Kessil fan, I'm currently using AP700s, A360, & A80s. My DT is two AP700s in an aquatic life hybrid fixture. There are currently a ton of hybrid fixtures out there you can mix and match with the LED of your choice.
5. I've seen battery backup available for ecotech's MP line. I think a generator is a better backup to a reef system then batteries.

Good luck!

Hi Olivier! I hope you jump back in!!

We still use an ATI hybrid LED and T5 fixture over our tank, and we use 2 MP60s and an MP40 for our display. We have been using the ATI fixture for about 5 years now and MPs since we set the tank up in 2012. We don't currently run anything on battery except in an emergency.

I'm the wrong person to answer regarding skimmers, unfortunately.


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Heya O, Welcome back!

Im running a 120 using a Coral Box 500 skimmer, its DC, quiet as a mouse, and its a BEAST, like it over the Reff Octos I used to swear by.

Circulation I'm running 2 of these, the 15 version...
They're fantastic, push tons of water (when I first started them on 100% I waved over the side of the tank), and, best of all, have built in wireless betweeen units, so you can programm master/slaves right out of the box for $70 a piece. At the price point, programmability, and power I cant see going back to any of the MPs or the high priced stuff.
I also have 2 sea swirls running, which I love. Can't recommend them enough. I have mine hooked up to my return pump and will never have another tank without them ( Sea Swirl Water Return System ).

Lighting, as Nikki, I'm running an ATI hybrid. I've got a 36" unit over the tank (4') with 3 hydra 26HDs mounted in the middle and 4 T5 bulbs on the outside. Bit more heat than LED alone but I seem to be getting better color and growth.

Saying that, loads of people have some great experiences with the black box LEDs from Amazon, in particular the Ocean Revives and the Mars Aqua series.

I'm running a bought sump, but you know they're easy enough to build to purpose. The one I have now has a ton of bells and whistles, but I really think those Eshop units are very well made and pretty reasonable. Ran an RS100 on my past 2 tanks and it did a great job.

Obviously, look for stuff used. I was doing a lot of shopping through Craigslist then my wife showed me Facebook Marketplace, its worthwhile to check it out.

Just some starting thoughts, hope they help.


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Just so happened to pop up on R2R today, affordable light comparisons...



NJRC Member
Hey bud haven't seen you in forever. Hope all.is well and hope you get back into it. some of the best corals I got were from you. actually the frogspawn in my avatar was yours.. undorutlantly lost all that during sandy as well.
Yes. If your well water is safe for human consumption and you have an RODI than fantastic. As far as septic. It depends on how big your system is. That’s both septic and tanks. Personally. If you can get water changes to drain somewhere other than your septic. That’s would be ideal. How ever if we’re not talking about a huge system. Than by all means. Into the septic.