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Power Out


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Lost power 15 mins ago. No generator or battery backup.
Hopefully won't be to long.


SPS Grow Out Winner
Lost power 15 mins ago. No generator or battery backup.
Hopefully won't be to long.

you don't have to worry about temperature. just aerate the water every so often. when i lose power i'll take a solo cup and scoop out the water in the tank and dump it right back in. i'll do it 4 or 5 times every 30 minutes or so the oxygen doesn't deplete in the tank.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
I made it to PetCo just before closing and picked a battery powered air pump. Up and running with plenty of batteries. Can breathe a bit better now. Its loud but oh well. Hopefully worth the $20 it cost.


NJRC Member
That's good news. I finally got a generator a few years ago & have used it a couple times. Money well spent for me. I also haves bunch of the battery powered air pumps, can never be too careful.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Not sure if I am allowed to have a generator. Wil have contact HOA as it's a retirement community with many rules about noise. Will look into a UPS probably.


NJRC Member
If no generator, maybe stock up with a few more battery air pumps. DFS sells them for like $5 & they work really good.


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NJRC Member
the back-ups can often be had relatively inexpensively.
I have two powerheads on one and get 114 hours. IF needed I would add a heater onto it as well. really just to keep a stagnant tank for 8 hours or so if at work or out for the day.
UPS is the way to go regardless of generator. This way certain things will never be off, like a power head for circulation. My generator takes about 15 seconds to come on which turns pumps on/off/on really quick, which I don't like, so I use the UPS to avoid that. Additionally a UPS could run a powerhead or DC pump for an hour, to give you time to get generator hooked up if it isn't an automated transfer switch.