• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.



Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hello guys. The club would like to offer non-paid members the opportunity to get the frag bags at a discount before RAP.

We are ordering a limited supply and will be selling them at RAP for $16.

We would like to give our current active non-paid members first crack at this awesome bags.

Join NJRC as paid member and receive the bag free. This offer will be good till 4/23 @ 10pm.

Added benefits include:

- Member and club organized group buys on livestock and dry goods

- 10-15% off purchases at our supporting sponsor s online and retail stores.

- great deals and pre orders on NJRC swag items

Please respond here with your username and paypal confirmation after you click on the "Join Us" link at the top . or click Join Us .

This will close at 9pm on Sunday 4/15.

Get your NJRC swag today and join this great community.

We have a lot of full-fledged membership benefits to unveil and you don't want to miss out.

GET OFF THE FENCE and come over to the NJRC family

We weren’t planning on shipping. I

We were going to make the bags available to pickup at any monthly meetings and RAP as a last resort.

We would love to meet everyone and put faces to screen names !!!!

***This will not apply to renewals. Renewals can go to the member section and claim the bag there under the Group buy section

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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member

Free with a paid membership
($12.67 for single and 18..67 for family)

Just click on the “join us” link and register as a paid member and we will set one a side for you


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member

These are pre orders. We will be having these made next week and delivered by end of month.

They won’t be available for 4/22 meeting.

Futhermore. Memberships are better processed online.

Feel free to click the join us tab on the top of the forum and use PayPal
So I can order a bag without becoming a paid member or I have to signup as a paid member to receive the bag?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would love a bag.
I am planning to come to the April meeting with my son.
Can I pay when I'm there?

Of course! Just make sure to pull me aside at the meeting. I will be happy to help! I'm currently on the NJRC board as treasurer. Can't wait to meet you!!!


SPS Grow Out Winner
When you start your rebuild after you move we have a great benefit as a paid member with certain vendors/paid sponsors for great discounts that include shipping! That alone would more than pay for the $12.50 membership for the year!

are the membership perks/discounts listed in one place? i'm a paid member and i'm not even aware of them???


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
are the membership perks/discounts listed in one place? i'm a paid member and i'm not even aware of them???

Added benefits include:

- Member and club organized group buys on livestock and dry goods

- 10-15% off purchases at our supporting sponsor s online and retail stores.

- great deals and pre orders on NJRC swag items

And much more we are hoping to unveil as we get past RAP


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Final bump for the weekend !!!!!