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THe venturi is on and air is definitely going through it but for some reason nothing is being collected in chamber up top. it normally does its thing where it bubbles and turns it to the gross looking greenish water but isn't doing anything right now. any ideas?
Did you try taking the pump out and cleaning it really well with vinegar? Maybe the pump isn't performing properly? I ran a venturi skimmer for a bit and never could get it to work well unfortunately... so apart from that I'm out of advice!
Have you cleaned the "venturi" parts. If you are not getting an increase in velocity in the venturi part of the skimmer, you will not get a good draw of air into the unit.
Is it not reaching the collection cup possibly? I know on my old venturi skimmer you could slide the outlet pipe up and down to raise the water level in the skimmer itself. Maybe you just need to raise the level in the skimmer. I also used to submerge the suction hose in freshwater while it was running, it helps with any clogging.
Some pumps with magnetic drives will occasionally run backwards when they start and that reduces efficiency. I don't know if this would pertain to your skimmer or not.