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Pump question

As part of a aquarium purchase I made last week, I received the following pump. The tank, pump and Ocean Motion were never used but were in storage for about 6-7 years. I called the pump company and they think its an older model Barracuda. Does anyone know if it will work well in a basement sump situation with about 10-12 feet of head pressure?



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Only info I could find

:smug:Thanks, I saw those too, I was hoping someone has this older pump. The company wasn't 100% sure what I had based off the serial number. I guess I just have to run it and see how it works. It looks beefy enough...


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Officer Emeritus
If I ends up being too much flow you can always use it to feed your reactors and/or T off the main line and plumb it back to the sump with a ball valve to divert some of the flow.
If I ends up being too much flow you can always use it to feed your reactors and/or T off the main line and plumb it back to the sump with a ball valve to divert some of the flow.

That would be great, I'm concerned it wouldn't be enough with the head pressure.

I was checking out the Diablo dc pumps, people were talking about in the other pump thread and really impressed. Love the idea of lower power consumption.


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Officer Emeritus
That would be great, I'm concerned it wouldn't be enough with the head pressure.

I was checking out the Diablo dc pumps, people were talking about in the other pump thread and really impressed. Love the idea of lower power consumption.

I'm sorry I had you confused with someone else asking about pumps. I apologize. What size tank will the pump be feeding? The reeflow pumps can use a lot of energy. I recently switch out a manta ray for another pump at my bosses house and the difference in the electric bill was surprising.
I'm sorry I had you confused with someone else asking about pumps. I apologize. What size tank will the pump be feeding? The reeflow pumps can use a lot of energy. I recently switch out a manta ray for another pump at my bosses house and the difference in the electric bill was surprising.

It's a 180 with a center overflow.


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Officer Emeritus
That reeflow pump should be more than sufficient for a tank that size. I would say too big. You can look into the diablos or something like a blueline 55 or blueline 70.
That reeflow pump should be more than sufficient for a tank that size. I would say too big. You can look into the diablos or something like a blueline 55 or blueline 70.

Too much even from a basement sump...10-12 ft? I believe the tank called for two 1 inch returns.


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Officer Emeritus
Too much even from a basement sump...10-12 ft? I believe the tank called for two 1 inch returns.

I would say so. If that pump is a barracuda it will be pushing 3100 gph at 12' of head. I would try to be more around 1800gph at the tank at most. I recently used a blueline 70 on a 210 that was between 10'-12' feet of head and I had to dial it back a bit with a ball valve.
I would say so. If that pump is a barracuda it will be pushing 3100 gph at 12' of head. I would try to be more around 1800gph at the tank at most. I recently used a blueline 70 on a 210 that was between 10'-12' feet of head and I had to dial it back a bit with a ball valve.

That clears thing up...good excuse to get the Diablo dc....:)


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Lol any excuse for new equipment is a good one in my book. With a return pump you want to shoot towards about a 5-10x turn over rate. So for a 180 anywhere from 900-1800 gph depending on what your overflows can handle. You want to has the majority of your flow in the tank to come from powerheads. Reason being that you want the water to go through the sump and or refugium to be fairly slow so that the water is filtered thoroughly. I think the diablo 10500 would be a good fit. You can adjust it to get it right where you want it and/or use the extra flow to feed reactors.


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Officer Emeritus
Just saw you were from Jackson, I grew up there and my parents still live there. Let me know if you need any help with anything I usually go up there every 2 weeks or so.
Lol any excuse for new equipment is a good one in my book. With a return pump you want to shoot towards about a 5-10x turn over rate. So for a 180 anywhere from 900-1800 gph depending on what your overflows can handle. You want to has the majority of your flow in the tank to come from powerheads. Reason being that you want the water to go through the sump and or refugium to be fairly slow so that the water is filtered thoroughly. I think the diablo 10500 would be a good fit. You can adjust it to get it right where you want it and/or use the extra flow to feed reactors.

The diablo 10500 is the one I was looking at and the power consumption looks great. Thanks for the info on the flow rate, I had no clue on how much I needed. The two drains are bigger, about 1.5 inches I think...need to measure them.

I guess I need to sell the Reeflo now. :)