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Pushing My Luck?

I have a 180g mixed reef with 13 fish-

Tangs- Purple, Yellow, & Kole

Anthias- 2 Bartletts, 5 Lyretails

Clowns- 2 True Percs

Purple Psuedo

I am considering adding one more fish. I would really LOVE to add an Achilles Tang, but dont know how the existing tangs will take to his presence. Or, maybe a Blue Throat Trigger. What do you guys think?

Might add a Skunk Clown also.

my real concern is the purple tang, he's quite aggressive. i tried a hippo tang about a year ago, he lasted a day. came home after work and found that tried to escape. i would actually love to remove the purple tang, but not gonna happen.
I think you are pushing your luck a bit to be honest.
They are a not one of the hardier tangs you are likely to have duribility issues.
I love the achiles tang probably the most out of all the tangs, but I have noticed that they are very prown to disease. I know all tangs in general love to get ick when they are stressed but in my experiences all my other tangs fight off ick very easily where as the achiles just gets full of ick. Ive tried 2 times at the achiles many months apart and each time, instant ick. Garlic, quarantine etc never helped. Beautiful fish but IMO they rarely end up well.
yeah, i agree. i had one in a 55g for over a year way back in the early 90's, def one of the coolest fish i ever owned. i would actually love to remove the kole tang and the purple tang. oh well, think i am just gonna stay 'as is' for the time being. thanks for talking me off the ledge guys.