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Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

Hi all! I've made a few tank threads before, but I would like to start this one from day one of this tank. I have previously had a 5G reef then a IM 20G Fusion. Today, I finally jumped up to a 40 breeder and I now have my first 20L sump.

I will go more indepth with a post tomorrow or later this week, but after taking 5 hours to change from the 20 to the 40 I will just leave you with pictures for now. The first picture will be of the 20G and the 2nd of the 40B I just got set up today.

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So a little bit about my sump. I've got a 3 chamber system. In the first chamber I've got a Octo 110-INT skimmer with a filter sock. The second chamber has my established live sand from my IM 20 with a heater and the third chamber is holding my return pump and soon mt IM ATO system.

I know the skimmer may be a little over kill, but it lets me use it on a bigger tank in the future and have more livestock if I wanted..or even feed heavier. 20180109_134530.jpg 20180109_134536.jpg 20180109_134549.jpg

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I run two of there RW4s on my 36g (one of each side of the back wall) helps with cross flow. They are nice wave makers for their price
Just finished up designing my second rock structure at my LFS (Ocean Image Aquatics) to be placed into the left half of the tank. After 30min I'm pretty happy with the results! 20180109_155945_15155315864121.jpg 20180109_161059.jpg

I'm using base rock for the 2nd structure.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Tank looks good! Those 40Bs are, i think, a fantastic aquascaping tank. And an overkill skimmer is an efficient one. Really like the fact that your shop has a 'construction table' and you can photo in the scape to your tank. Those Hydra lights are nice, running a set of the 26HDs on my 25g.
Thanks guys.

Mark, my LFS is great. Super helpful and it's awesome that I am only 5min away. I love the hydras even though I'm using them in acclimation mode currently so they're not even at their full potential yet. I haven't broken in my skimmer yet because I put Fritzyme TurboStart 900 in my tank when I did my hard switch, so I'm gonna let my bacteria settle till Saturday then I will start to really break in my skimmer.

Freshoffthegrill, thank you! Myself and Alex (Owner of Ocean Image Aquatics my LFS) really tried to make something to my liking. Hoping to possibly get that rock formation wet tomorrow.