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Random shots with great results!


NJRC Member
I am thinking to use this thread to demostrate how great they can be with randomw shots...

Please help to share all yours!!

Please Note:
if you are planning to submit your picture(s) for "Photo Of The Month" (POTM) contest, please DO NOT post it here until that round is over...
(due to rules #7 - The pictures should be photos that have not been previously posted on any local forum)

more POTM details can be found HERE...


NJRC Member
adding the current month 2009 - July's POTM winner (adesimone1) as a PERFECT example...

adesimone1 said:
Actually, I was just taking pics sitting in front of the tank on the couch it was at night and I just zoomed in on it and that was what I got.
