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randy's 2 part q

anyone familiar with this? it seems simple enough. just part 3 i am unsure about. it will take some time to add a gallon of part 1 and 2. my question is do i just add the entire 3rd part at once? tank is only 29g...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The simple answer, NO.

If you're talking about magnesium, you add when needed. I can't tell you the last time I added magnesium. My water changes maintain magnesium. And to think I purchased a 50 pound bag of MAG flakes about 15 years ago! I gave more away than I ever used.

I think you might be referring to where it says somewhere that you need a gallon of magnesium after adding a gallon each of alk and calc. That is in an ideal world where you need to maintain an ionic balance. The issue is that there is no ideal world, and it doesn't take into account the magnesium introduced in water changes.