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How was everyones RAP? Personally I enjoyed it very much & my kids did as well. Thanks to the members that helped to make it run very much appreciated. I definatly scored a few deals on 12 frags & 2 clowns. A few are still super pissed but hopefully they open up soon. One change to this year that I don't know if it was planned but last year a few vendors had multiple raffles thru out the day that caused the aisles around them to just grid lock & piss off the vendors next to them. While I like a chance at free things it was definatly a real problem & I didn't notice vendors really doing that this year. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves, I'll post up some picts later once the corals aren't ultra mad. Can't wait to see what people scored.
I had a great time as well. Personally I scored a rock with multiple zoas on it for fifty bucks. And a nice coral that I will need identified hahaha I will post a pic when they cheer up from travel and dip. I can tell you I tried to count the heads on the zoa rock but just to many. I stopped counting at 120.
It was a blast! Great to meet Eric(210 gallon?) and Marcus (trio?) manning the NJ Reefer booth. I managed to limit myself to 2 small shrooms and a gorgonian I now know I should not have purchased. Ah well, hard to turn down a beautiful coral for a good price.

Wish I had been for the talks on Saturday, but anyone who did not go I highly suggest going next year.

There were a lot of families there, which was great to seem and the kids seemed to all have fun thanks to the Kids Zone they smartly set up.

Was also great to meet Julian Sprung who I can blame for getting me hooked way back in the early 90s. Such a geeky thing to say, but that made my day.
I second the Julian Sprung. But if you want to get stupid geeky. I really liked seeing and talking to Randy and Ryan of bulk reef supply. I know it sounds stupid but I have watched possibly a 1000 of there videos. Many multiple times and it felt cool getting to pick there brains. Nice guys
I held off going this year as I am still trying to determine what is randomly wiping out my torches and hammers I've had for years over the last ~3 weeks... ugh doesn't even begin to explain it


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I was hoping to score a RBTA but the prices were way to high for me. Was looking for a Fiji leather but did not see one.
Bad thing our booth was right across from Pets Warehouse. I picked up 2 scooter blennies, Melanarus wrasse and a cool Coral Beauty.
Then picked up a yellow.orange top torch and a nice Lobo from Pop Corals.
Nice fish. I priced bubble tips as well. Must be made of platinum or something because prices were outrageous on them. I tried to haggle with a fella and he tells me he paid 1200 for his (no I don’t believe him). And I said yea and you split it into quarters and want to charge nearly as much for an animal much smaller. And he said. Naaa I’ve gotten dozens out of this beauty. I told him that’s not the brightest negotiation method hahaha. I totally get he is there to make a living And that’s cool. But I’m not paying that much for an animal that is easily propagated with low risk.
I held off going this year as I am still trying to determine what is randomly wiping out my torches and hammers I've had for years over the last ~3 weeks... ugh doesn't even begin to explain it
That sucks. Have you narrowed down the issue at all
Ah darn on the RBTA, I thought I saw one vendor with a tank full of very small ones for $45.00 a piece. I almost bought one on impulse and than remembered I really didn't want to deal with it moving. I looked at Pets Warehouse for awhile and saw a few wrasses I wanted but I didn't have time to research them to see if they'd coexist with my current wrasse so unfortunately I didn't get them.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Ah darn on the RBTA, I thought I saw one vendor with a tank full of very small ones for $45.00 a piece. I almost bought one on impulse and than remembered I really didn't want to deal with it moving. I looked at Pets Warehouse for awhile and saw a few wrasses I wanted but I didn't have time to research them to see if they'd coexist with my current wrasse so unfortunately I didn't get them.

I did impulse buy the melanarus as I do have a another in my DT, a Mexican rock I think.
The RBTA for $45 were the size of a penny and definitely not worth $45. IMO


NJRC Member
I was there with the club on Friday.
That was a mistake none of the vendors had any tables setup. I thought it might be the best day but next year I will go during the weekend.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I thought they did another great job with RAP as always. We did not make it up there until late Saturday, but got to spend all day Sunday there and had a lot of fun. First thank you to all who volunteered and helped at the NJRC booth, it really does help and the show gets better every year. The mid day raffles are usually R2R and they have been doing that for years at all the major shows, yeah it clogs up the aisles for a little while but I think it adds another fun element and we won a really nice tank from them at DC MACNA. It did seem that anyone who brought nems were bringing "high end" ones and the prices reflected that. We are always on the look out for cool inverts and we did not see any this year. There was a good supply of fish this year but we did not come home with anything. We did come home with lots of corals, mostly SPS and a few LPS. I actually did not buy any zoas which was kind of shocking but we were really looking for some SPS. Got to see a lot of our sponsors in person which was nice, and they brought the fire that is for sure. Friday nights at the show there used to be no selling to the public at all, usually the vendors just picked each other over, but last year they started selling the Diamond passes which gave early access to people on Friday. There is no guarantee that people will sell to you on Friday, and a lot of vendors won't even setup until later in the day and they cover their coral to give it time to open up. This was our first Sunday at RAP in like 3 years so that was kind of cool and different. Got some really good deals on corals as the day was ending which was nice, but you could tell things were disappearing throughout the day so you had to weigh that out. Also I am going to be a bit biased because I was helping with them, but I thought the raffles went off very smoothly and I thought the prizes were really really nice this year. Yes we did win a 50$ Jason Fox gift card which was nice.
Mnat. You looked like Santa giving out presents at the raffle. You were grinning ear to ear every time you handed something to a winner (we won a Hanna calcium checker... awesome). It was really great. I enjoyed the raffle but you helped make a little better... thanks.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Mnat. You looked like Santa giving out presents at the raffle. You were grinning ear to ear every time you handed something to a winner (we won a Hanna calcium checker... awesome). It was really great. I enjoyed the raffle but you helped make a little better... thanks.

Honestly it felt really good giving that stuff out because people were genuinely excited to win a lot of those prizes so it is fun seeing people running up to me with big smiles on their faces. For a lot of people, winning those raffles made the show/day/month for them so it is cool being a part of that. As I said up above we have been on the other side running up to the table with a winning ticket to win some really cool stuff, so it was cool to be on the other side.


NJRC Member
I bought one of these $45 RBTA’s. Perfect size for my tank and it opened up nice after getting home. The color is fantastic. Just give it a name it will be worth $500. In fact o am going to name it holy grail 24k pink lemonade strawberry nem! The vendor told me it was from a breeder so it’s tank raised. Yes it’s a little overpriced but consider what some of the stores charge these days it’s a bargain.

Bandito Aquatics

NJRC Member
So much to say but my poor grammar prevents me from looking intelligent. This was my first time ever going to one of these shows first time owning a tank pretty much I’m super green to this but I felt very welcomed as if I had been there before Friday was a treat got to fill up those little yellow bags with a few members sorry if I don’t tag you individually you know who you are and you rocks and so did the kids. Also Friday I met one of our sponsors in person mark and his wife from ultimate coral. Who are amazing and will definitely be visiting in Jackson, I can here six flags calling me too. Corals and adventure awaits. Anyways Saturday was a blast as well got to meet even more members of the group. Thank you again Eric @ezreefing the leathers are opening up and looking beautiful. I also had the pleasure of working with John from your reef on Saturday got to a hands on what it was like to be a vendor kinda cool a bit stressful at times but over a blast. On Sunday I passed by helped John a little then actually got to walk around the show was awesome and can’t wait for next year and now what you where all waiting for pictures.

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