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Red Sea 130D AIO

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
nice. this is mine but I don't really have the growth you have

10:50 - color 0% (blue) intensity 5%
11:00 - color 10% (blue) intensity 80%
12:00 - color 100% (white) intensity 60%
18:00 - color 10% (blue) intensity 80%
21:00 - color 0% (blue) intensity 5%
21:10 - color 0% (blue) intensity 0%

You have a long light schedule how does that affect your algae?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Right now, I'm on an 8hr shift from 7pm to 3am....during the off hours I have my algae scrubber running for 16hrs....4am to 7pm

When I 1st added the scrubber, it was on for 24hrs straight for about 2 weeks to get some growth going

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Right now, I'm on an 8hr shift from 7pm to 3am....during the off hours I have my algae scrubber running for 16hrs....4am to 7pm

When I 1st added the scrubber, it was on for 24hrs straight for about 2 weeks to get some growth going

sorry the above schedule you posted is your current light schedule? Thats from 06:55 (6:55am) until 23:59 (11:59pm)?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I do have some algae in my tank but it's very noticeable....so with I'm assuming I have a good balance in my tank. But yes I do swear by my alage scrubber