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Red Sea 130D AIO

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
nice. Have you tried opening a window or running a line from your skimmer to outside? This should help raise your pH without the buffer


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would not worry about the ph, it will come up with time, mine is anywhere between 7.65 and 8.1 depending on the day. Don't do a water change until it's cycled, there is no reason to, just let it be. Some people see ammonia and think to do heavy water changes, all it does is delay the cycle, you're taking out the ammonia/nitrites/nitrates that is needed for the bacteria to grow and flourish and move it to the next stage.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Agree with @art13. My pH goes between 7.8 and 8.1 depending on the week (I only test weekly right now) I noticed during the time my windows are shut my pH is lower and when my windows are open my pH is higher. I'm sure you guys know but the level of CO2 in your room affect the pH.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Well, the skimmer is enclosed in the rear chamber, so I'd have to take the top off and with all the rain we have the windows closed

I'm curious if the PH will be a long term issue I will have to deal with


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Don't worry too much about the ph, I have an outside line as well, in bad weather my ph is 7.65 at a low and 7.85 at a high, in good weather it's 7.75 at a low and 8.1 or so at a high, doesn't seem to affect corals, they may grow a bit slower but it is what it is. As i get more coral in the tank and as they grow out more, i will see a rise in ph, just due to photosynthesis, at least i think so, lol. The other option for me is to dose kalk but i have my two part dialed in pretty well, i don't really want to mess with that unless i have to.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Marcus, you did a great job cleaning her up. I got the tank from Mike and Nikki. They are hosting this month's meeting. Looking good.
To second what people are saying here. I have seen ph swings between day and night. I think that is actually how it happens in nature too but I may be wrong. Last tank I ran successful reef for 2 years haven't tested for ph since I cycled it. Never had an issue. But that's my personal experience so individual results may vary lol.

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View attachment 12904 the 1st thing I noticed was the power hub. what they did was essentially notch out a section of the glass tank to house a discreet power strip with all your plugs to go into

View attachment 12902

as you can see they also label each plug for you so that you know what controls what. so basically you plug all your items into this canceled strip and then plug the strip into the outlet, no messy cords and very simply done.

View attachment 12905
I LOVE THOSE POWER SOURCES, THEY ARE A HUGE HELP. I am looking at one on ebay, they are switched and makes everything much neater.
Man what a great job you did on that tank. I love the light retro you did as well. I wanted a kessil but could not afford it. But to be honest I am happy with the led fixture i got.I still get a little shimmer at the bottom from it, not quite like the kessil disco effect but its ok.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
So for the most part guys, this project is done. I will keep folks posted as things progress

Thanx @Karenvas2 for your generosity and big shout-out to Njrc as a whole for just being awesome and letting me join the club. I appreciated all the thumbs up and comments that came along the build