Yea it’s funny. Nearly Every really nice Tank. I watch or visit seems to employ then. Some have a load of Radions or Kessils. Some combination of them or others. Even Orphek Atlantik. Yet nearly every one still supplement with T5 Generally around the perimeter but some times you see a few in between each grouping of LEDs. I’d like to know the science behind it. Don’t get me wrong. It definitely looks better. That’s obvious. But if I see better health and growth. You see it. They talk about it. It becomes more and more ... less anecdotal and more there is something to it. I’d just really like to know what exactly. Is it the greater coverage. The lack of shadowing, some sort of spectrum difference. Perhaps some combination of the whole package.
It’s not that I don’t want to believe that. I do get better results by adding T5. That’s not even negotiable. It’s just that modern LEDs are completely adjustable and as long as a good manufacturer and not the reefer is dialing in that spectrum it should in Theory blow T5 away. Especially since T5 can color shift over time. That’s why I think it has more to do with the actual light wave. The radiant energy that it produced by the bulb. Obviously I have no idea and am just spitballing here. But an awful lot of people have put an awfully lot of time and money in to this subject. And I will be dam if I can find anything concrete.T5 give off better Spectrum