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Red Sea Reefer Nano Build

Well after getting out of the hobby two years ago, here I am again getting back in. I picked up a used Red Sea Reefer Nano which I will eventually setup. The tank itself is 21 gallons with a 7 gallon sump. I will be running a Ehiem return pump, Finnex titanium heater, and Reef Octopus classic 1100int skimmer. I also have a jeabo 10 wave maker pump for additional flow. I would like to swap this out for a MP10 eventually. I have a small reactor if needed for carbon or GFO. For lighting I have a nanobox tide plus m with bluefish controller. I just ordered 25 lbs of Fiji dry rock and plan to try bare bottom. I ordered a black textured ABS sheet of plastic I plan to silicone to the bottom. I haven't decided on live stock at the moment so I am open to opinions.
If you don't want to go with the hamster like Mark suggested.. A simple pair of clowns and a tailspot/bicolor blenny would do the trick.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Firefish are nice and are pretty common, Maybe also look into a Jester or Hector's Goby. They both stay pretty small and should do fine in a nano


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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
But seriously folks...
In my 25 I have 2 clowns, a snowflake and a phantom. No fear of coral nipping and minimal fear of jumping (though I have lost a clown to this).
In the 20 Im going to stock soon I plan on a spotted filefish and a Tanaka wrasse (atm), though may consider a small puffer instead.
All my nanos have mixed snails (bumble bee, trochus, nassarius, etc) and at leat 3 sexy shrimp (my 25 has a cleaner shrimp as well).
I’m definitely going to do a clown pair. I like the lightning maroon clowns but I’m afraid they may be to aggressive in a small tank. I’m still trying to figure out how to tell the wife I bought a tank lol. I’m waiting for her to say we can get one for my son.
I recommend captive bred clowns. One slightly bigger than the other. Put them in at the same time. My Experience is they do great in a small tank. My smaller one use to hide a lot. Took 2 years for the bigger fish to accept his company. Actually in the last month or so they finally started bonding. My tank is half the size of yours.