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reef crystals


NJRC Member
This is a great deal. Thank for posting. I have soo much salt in my house right now. I picked up two 200 Red Sea salt for $50 each at ACC bash. I also got a good deal on 3 buckets of tropic marine. But for $20 I have to buy. Lol


Area Local Reef Club
Sorry I missed this one! After this trip I could use a few bucks saved somewhere...lol. $20 for the 160 gal bucket is an awesome deal.


NJRC Member
So let's get this straight....$19.99 - $10 = 9.99 LOL :dance:

Wow....I am so giddy......this must be what @DELxCMB wife felt like when she won the Red Sea tank! :biggrin:

You can get two rebates per house hold so if you purchase 2 you could save $20