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Reefabout future store.

Not really sure where to put this thread but I was talking to Alex today through Facebook! He's doing well and apparently has plans to open an offshore store with a larger online presence in near future. That's all i know for now but that's honestly all i really need to keep me satisfied. :)
Alex from OIA? I was up there this past Tuesday , we chatted for over an hour about fish & corals while he was fragging - beautiful frags & coral - learned a lot about what to put in my 66g once its cycled. He is very courteous , professional AND really knows reefing!!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Alex from OIA? I was up there this past Tuesday , we chatted for over an hour about fish & corals while he was fragging - beautiful frags & coral - learned a lot about what to put in my 66g once its cycled. He is very courteous , professional AND really knows reefing!!
No, Alex from reefabout down south

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Agree on the fish. I’ve picked up a few there. They could kill it with corals. The target market is already going there.
Agree but the owner isn't a coral guy so that why his selection on corals are poor. I got my 54g corner tank from him (I still blame my wife for that tank lol) That about the only dry goods I got there. I gotten many live stock (corals and fish [mainly fish]) from him and felt his prices on fish was fair for the most part. His price on corals can be high but that what is great about this hobby. If one place is high you keep looking. I remember that when I got my fireshrimp. I wanted a fireshrimp but every LFS I saw wanted around $40. I felt there was no way I was paying that much for a fireshrimp. RAP [first year in NJ] came (my first time going to RAP) and I found one for $25.

The owner, like other LFS owners I have met have been helpful. He gave me great advice when I started out and he didn't try to bait/switch me. I remember looking at different type of shrimp. He asked if I ever had shrimps before and I said no. He then suggested I get the cheaper shrimp to make sure I can take care of them.

Now I agree @DangerDave that our area lack LFS. In fact I have thought it would be a good location (with LBI) to start a LFS but I know its hard to start any business now a days let alone a fish store.