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Remote Deep Sand Beds

I was thinking about installing remote deep sand beds on both my tanks...
And have a done alot of research of this...

I just wanted to know if anyone is running them and any info or issues (pros or Cons) would be helpful...

Even Pics of anyones RDSB system would be helpful so I could get any ideas and options of doing these Projects on my tanks....

Thanks in advance,
i have a 55g refugium with a 4-5 inch DSB exclusive from my DT & sump. the tanks is filled with LR then a divider and calupera on the other side. i keep the light on 24/7. tank is filled with coraline. no cons to report.
I use a typical DSB in my tank and lke what it does. I see no problem using a remote DSB. In addition a remote DSB would have several advantages. You could clean it with out effecting the main tank. You could control the water flow through it, and you could also grow various macro algaes in it. Like any other DSB could also keep snails, hermit crabs, and so on in it to stir up the sandbed.
DaveK said:
I use a typical DSB in my tank and lke what it does. I see no problem using a remote DSB. In addition a remote DSB would have several advantages. You could clean it with out effecting the main tank. You could control the water flow through it, and you could also grow various macro algaes in it. Like any other DSB could also keep snails, hermit crabs, and so on in it to stir up the sandbed.

my fug has lots of snails and hermits like dave stated. i will post pics later. i never really clean the DSB in the fug, never see any reason to. let it go all natural. i also have 2 inches of live sand in my DT, but it actually a mixture of crushed coral and sand, i really wish it was straight sand and not crushed coral mix. but its live sand from tampa bay saltwater that is loaded with pods and many other organisms. i am thinking of putting a layer of fine carib sand over top.
I have 50lbs of Southdown sand in 5 gallon buckets if interested.I would put much a clean up crew in there because you don't want to disturb the sand bed.I used this system for years it works well and then you can swap out buckets from time to time.Also you don't need to light it.Remember you are building up Anarobic bacteria just creating a Nitrate filter.The deeper the better on RDSB.
Do you install a pipe that reachs to the bottom of the substrate so that the water Slowly aerates/ circulates through the deep bed from the lowest point of the bucket to the exit on the top of the surface of the substrate?
Or do you just allow the water to enter the DSB Bucket and Slowly circulate on the surface or the DSB????
Just Curious...
Thanks to all the Replys
roxsburyrage said:
I have 50lbs of Southdown sand in 5 gallon buckets if interested.I would put much a clean up crew in there because you don't want to disturb the sand bed.I used this system for years it works well and then you can swap out buckets from time to time.Also you don't need to light it.Remember you are building up Anarobic bacteria just creating a Nitrate filter.The deeper the better on RDSB.

you "would" or would NOT...I think you're saying "not" right?

tbone212371 said:
Do you install a pipe that reachs to the bottom of the substrate so that the water Slowly aerates/ circulates through the deep bed from the lowest point of the bucket to the exit on the top of the surface of the substrate?
I believe you'd simply bulkhead the top of the bucket. The water would travel slowly across the top of the sandbed. This would then allow the anaerobic bacteria to build in the bottom of the bucket. This is one of eric borneman's suggestions I believe.

I'm not sure how much benefit there will be in terms of nitrate reduction, but you could certainly try it - it's what $20 for a bag of sand, $5 for a bucket and some piping? So not a lot of cost to set up.
I already have 80 + lbs of LIVE sand and Agranite mixture that I had removed from my 75 gallon tank and was intending to use that amount on 2 set ups of remote deep sand beds... One set up for my 75 gallon DT and 30 Gallon sump and 20 Gallon Fuge set up and also on my other tank that is a 29 gallon with a 10 gallon sump/ fuge set- up...
The RDSBs would be used To lower nitrates, Buffer PH, enhance Live pods population and bateria production, etc...

Just was wondering about how to circulate the water into the Buckets or containers...
The principle is basically the same as say an in-line chiller.

Water flows in from one side of the bucket - and exits the other. You'd probably want to secure a valve on each side into a bulkhead and then that way if you ever want to replace the DSB with a new fresh bucket - you could. You could also daisy chain it so that you have multiple buckets.

Again - to me this is starting to get to a diminishing returns vs. investment. If I really want to cut down on nitrates - there's no better way than to perform additional water changes.

Or I guess if you had a tank full of clams.
Sorry I have been busy.I have mine set up where the water flows into the bucket and exits.You don't want to disturb the sand bed that defeats the purpose.You want to lower nitrates .And this way you have a alot of anaerobic bacteria to grow.I run 2 5 gallon buckets that then go back into my tank near my return.You need some bulk head fittings to do this .I wasted a few buckets before I got it right.There is a great DIY on ReefCentral but get out your reading glasses.Any other questions feel free to ask.All I can say my nitrates dropped from 20ppm to 0 in about 6 weeks.I had the fudge thing and with Algae and never got it quite balanced.I get almost 0 Algae in my main tank now since doing this.
This method does work it has been prov-en however as Phil states there are draw backs.If i line gets clogged it could overflow and make a big mess.It happened to me once already.So what to put a screen and you need to keep on clean otherwise your asking for trouble.I also take mine offline when I am away for a few days.I don't trust it 100% might I add.I had some die off but it starts up pretty fast and gets the Nitrates back down in a week.So you get a Algae bloom on Vacation no big deal water change and start the system back up.This method is the cheapest way you could go to get nitrates down.The other method I have been messing with myself is a DIY Sulfur Reactor I have had Friends have great results with these.I believe these reactors came out in early 1990's.Anyway I hope this info helps you out and save some money.
Roxburyrage, do you keep a BB display tank?
I am considering a remote dsb in my fug because I want to get rid of the
sand in my display tank. I bogged down with nutrients and causing a heck of
an algae and Cyrano problem. I think if I can go BB then clean up is easier
and I'll be able to stave off the nuisance algae.

Also, a question to to all (if you know). Have you had any issues support LPS corals
with BB display tanks (frogspawn, hammers, etc)
I wanted to give a big THANKS to all the reply's and info!
I will be doing this project on both of my tanks!
I feel the benefits are more than positive!!!
So thanks again!
We'll see how it goes...
Sorry I didn't get back to you agent.What I do if I start seeing more algae in my tank than usual it means I might have higher nitrates so I test and 9 out of 10 times that is correct.
I keep a few spare buckets with clean sand on hand and exchange them out.Typically I think you get anywhere from 3-5 years max.
Just for looks and the crabs and snails and wrasses and gobies.
I will still have about 1-2 inches of find sand and some agronite substrate!
roxsburyrage said:
Sorry I didn't get back to you agent.What I do if I start seeing more algae in my tank than usual it means I might have higher nitrates so I test and 9 out of 10 times that is correct.
I keep a few spare buckets with clean sand on hand and exchange them out.Typically I think you get anywhere from 3-5 years max.

No worries Roxs.
I have removed most of the sand from the display tank already and I've go to tell you.
I don't really like the look. I siphon out the sand but the process kicks up a lot of sand and I don't want the fish to get sick from any bacteria that may have developed in the lower depths of the sand. I should be done with the process by next weekend.

I've been so busy. I slowed down with the manual removal of the hair and bubble algae.
So they are beginning to build up again. It's hard to keep up with this lately.

Thank you all for your comments. I'll give you an update later.