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removing a tang from a tank

hey all,

I've been trying for a few days to catch a Tang that is too aggressive in my tank. any ideas, he's smart and fast. I almost had him once and he escaped out of my net, i don't wanna stress out my tank....Any ideas would be great



Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Where are you located? I have a trap you could borrow made of egg crate. You need to bait it, sit and wait.

Mark, formerly MAVL666
I'm in Somerset, i don't know if a trap would work, it's very flighty, as soon as it see's someone it bolts and hides in the rockwork. how does the trap work?

ynotme4886 said:
I always just tried to catch them at feeding time.....no one hides at feeding time :D

Out of curiosity, what type of tang is it?

It's a Tomini and it does come out at feeding time but always stays along the bottom, it never comes close to the top, and it's way too fast. I'll keep trying.

MadReefer said:
Where are you located? I have a trap you could borrow made of egg crate. You need to bait it, sit and wait.

Mark, formerly MAVL666

hey Mark anyway you can post a pic so i can see what your trap looks like?

I got mine out by waiting untill he went into the rock, removed the rock from water, gently shook the rock and out he came into my sump too sell....
Breakin Newz said:
I got mine out by waiting untill he went into the rock, removed the rock from water, gently shook the rock and out he came into my sump too sell....

not gonna work for me, i have all my rock epoxied together. I wish it was that easy, it's just so annoying, it's amazing that they can outsmart us sometimes

I have a fish trap you can use I'm sure it will work My 10" Vlamingi tang tried to squeeze in to get the food my hippos went in too


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Harry, I don't have a pic and misplaced my camera cord. Basically its a square with a divider halfway in middle with a door halfway. I tie a piece of dried krill to rock and place it in trap and put in tank. I also tie a piece to the door. When the fish is in I pull the string. It will either close the door or it will come up out of the water. Works for all the time just need a patience.


NJRC Member

a fish trap will work! i borrow one from RedSand (but it is quite heavy), you can either put it down some where or use one of those tunze magnet to hold it on the side.

i know Dan (DanTheManNJ) have a fish trap, he is in piscataway, probably 10-15 mins local to you, you can check with him.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You can also try the good old fashioned fishing line and hook. That's how I caught my Sohal Tang. I cut the barb off the hook, put a little piece of algae on it and WHAM...caught him in about 5 minutes.
Brian said:
You can also try the good old fashioned fishing line and hook. That's how I caught my Sohal Tang. I cut the barb off the hook, put a little piece of algae on it and WHAM...caught him in about 5 minutes.

Do you need a license? ???
Did you have any luck getting the fish out?

If not, try this. It may be unconventional but it worked for me in the past. Wait till the light go out in the tank and wait till the fish goes to sleep. Once asleep you may be able to catch it while it is in a trans like state.

Good luck!
cathym1078 said:
Did you have any luck getting the fish out?

If not, try this. It may be unconventional but it worked for me in the past. Wait till the light go out in the tank and wait till the fish goes to sleep. Once asleep you may be able to catch it while it is in a trans like state.

Good luck!

still in the tank, everyone seems to be getting along, i will eventually get him out just because i want to add more docile fish. he hides in the rockwork at nite so he's still hard to get



NJRC Member
one other trick is, wait until all you night is out... and when the fishes have low activities... prepare your net ABOVE the water, then suddenly turn on all the lights in your tank, you may be able to get it at that time. it works for me at once time long ago.