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Rethinking my powder brown choice...could use some input


NJRC Member
So...the powder brown tang is, for me, the ultimate saltwater fish...it's the fish i saw that started my journey into the hobby. I always wanted one...but my tanks were always to small.

Now I have this 90, and undoubtedly will go bigger eventually.

BUT...they are notoriously hard to keep, disease prone, etc...

Found one today when I brought home Mr. Groper...and he was BEAUTIFUL...but he just came into the store today, and I didn't think it would be a good idea.

So, I'm rethinking my decision...but not sure what other tang, for my one tang, would be a good tang to get.

Am i wrong? Anyone have a powder brown for years? Anyone have any other potentials that would be a good fit in a FOWLR with a trigger or two, a grouper, maybe a puffer, and maybe an eel?



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NJRC Member
If it's a fish only tank . I would get it. You can always add meds if it's a fowlr. Just my opinion.


NJRC Member
If it's a fish only tank . I would get it. You can always add meds if it's a fowlr. Just my opinion.

I need to research this...I thought that the live rock would also not tolerate copper/medicine/whatever...and pods, if any, would they tolerate medicine?


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NJRC Member
I would ask them to hold it and see how it does, looks and eats. If all is fine get it.
You can consider a true chocolate tang, blond naso, sohal or chevron. Not sure of your budget and how big you plan to go.
Get yourself the powder brown!

I have a 110 gallon, powder brown and hippo tang went in about 2 years ago as babies, carefully introduced a baby scopas tang around a year ago, 10 other fish in there. The powder brown is the boss of the tank and the nicest fish in there. Does not start a single problem and mediates any potential problems between other fish as soon as they start. It spends all day cruising around and mimics my movements around the tank - coolest fish I keep next to my mandarin.

I did not do anything special when introducing them, and I don't do anything special to keep them. I just feed them well and entertain them once a day. I will probably look to rehome the hippo within the next year to avoid any potential aggression problems as they grow bigger.


NJRC Member
Get yourself the powder brown!

I have a 110 gallon, powder brown and hippo tang went in about 2 years ago as babies, carefully introduced a baby scopas tang around a year ago, 10 other fish in there. The powder brown is the boss of the tank and the nicest fish in there. Does not start a single problem and mediates any potential problems between other fish as soon as they start. It spends all day cruising around and mimics my movements around the tank - coolest fish I keep next to my mandarin.

I did not do anything special when introducing them, and I don't do anything special to keep them. I just feed them well and entertain them once a day. I will probably look to rehome the hippo within the next year to avoid any potential aggression problems as they grow bigger.
Awesome. Love it.

Was thinking I'd hold off until my rocks weren't lily white anymore. ;-)
Definitely hold off until there is enough variation consistent in the tank for them to graze on. Mine grazes all day. A variety of nori sheets will help too.
Dude, if it’s a fowlr tank get it. Don’t pass up on your dream fish. Like other said it much easier to medicate without corals