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Return Pump

I have the DC-6000 for my 90. During a test run I had it at 15 and it was low flow through sump, but that's what I want. I also had it flowing through two separate reactors as well. Plenty in reserve if needed.
What was the problem you experienced with a wave pump for a return? I know nothing about pumps. Have no idea what a wave does. I just picked the Jebao DCP since it was the newer model.
I wrote wrong. The DCQ-5000 has a wave controller. It pulses the flow with the speed depending on the controller setting. The DCP models are the sine wave controllers for steady flow. I believe they are the same pump, different controllers. I have very short LOC lines from my return so they can't be pushed down. The top of the line is about or slightly above the water line. That way they can't create a syphon with a power outage. It works well with a steady flow but pulls air down when the pump pulses. I could get this to work with mods.

Regarding the turnover - I have a separate refugium so I don't need the flow to it controlled by the return pump. Dwell time isn't important for me elsewhere as I feel more flow means a higher percentage of water oxygenated by the skimmer and more chance to take particles out by the sock. I look more to see that the returning water is flowing throughout the tank, but not too strong anywhere.

Regarding the DC. I do like that I can turn down the flow to feed without dropping he entire overflow down the tank. I suspect they are less reliable, or at least were in the past, hence the backup. I also feel DC is safer in case of a short.

Also, this is my first sump so I am not that experienced with them, but I have the same size tank as mentioned.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Thank you everyone!

@Mark Shelly This will be my first tank with a sump. I have been using Fluval FX6 for years. I know nothing about sumps. I think I'll go with the Jebao DCP-6500. I hope that isn't a mistake in size:confused:
Great. You’ll love it. I used an old $15.00 pump made for an outdoor bird feeder fountain for over 2 years on my first nano tank. It still worked fine when I took it down to upgrade. It was used for a while in the actual bird feeding prior as well.