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Rhodie Pics


very nice.

i have a rhodactis just like one of yours - the purplish pink one....
question is are they very aggressive among mushrooms? is there any pecking order among mushrooms anyway discos, rhodies, etc.
Awesome colors. I have one that came in as a hitchhiker but it is basically colorless. Wish it were as colorful as yours.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Very Nice! Where are you getting those? The blue and red ones are awesome!
Larry, those are some hot colors.

Brian, not sure where larry's getting them but they have them on LiveAquaria sometimes. Those mushrooms run just as much as expensive Yumas. $50-$100 for a single shroom.

search: Rhodactis Inchoata or Bullseye mushroom.
Thanks Guys ! I have a few other color morphs I have to take pics of and post.. Im actually going to be posting a few for sale on the forum in a couple days if anyone's interested..