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Ricky's 120 Stony Coral Garden


WWC Aussie Toxic Slimer


BC Cricket Spine


Bali Green Slimer


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I know my tank isn't horrible and beginners love it. BUT then I see this tank and every coral looks amazing.
I get down on myself Like I need to do MORE....


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Rickyrooz what do you dose?
Was dosing BRS 2 part plus magnesium to keep at 8dkh 450 calcium and 1250 magnesium.
Then about 2-3 weeks ago, realized my old Hanna tester for alkalinity was not accurate. Ran a few manual red sea tests and realized my alk was actually 16.2.
Bought a new Hanna tester and verified. Also had local shop verify.
Combination of Reef Crystals salt, which I tested the fresh mix at 13.2 and any dosing I was doing jacked the alk through the roof.
So I would never be able to lower my alk if continuing to use reef crystals, which i have used for all 6 years.
So about 2 weeks ago I switched to Tropic Marin Classic. I did a few 30 gallon water changes on my 135 gallon system, reducing my Alk from 16.2, to 14.2, then 12.8, now at 12, which I know is still high. Maybe this is a big part of my problem, as This would be at a minimum a year long issue with the new tank and used hanna tester.
Will be doing another 30 gallons today.
Also put my skimmer back online. I pulled it because I was having some zoas wither on my, thinking it was low nutrients I pulled the skimmer. BUT may be the super super high alkalinity.

Sooo. Not freaking out until my alk is back in a nice target area, 8.5. then once stable and there for a while, I can re calibrate my expectations.


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can we get a current full tank shot ? I need to see this beauty