NapoliNewJersey said:...
The question is: WHO OWNS THE FISH?
Carlo said:I had fun with a girl a couple of weeks ago. She didn't want to say her age and in talking it was apparent she was good at math (she was an accountant) so I figured what the heck. I did this with her but had her start with her age. After I told her the answer was 4 she exclaimed "how did you know I was 37 ?".
kathainbowen said:As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks.
Every sack had seven cats.
Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacksm, wivesm
How many were going to St. Ives.
..... bonus points if you caught the obvious movie reference!
NapoliNewJersey said:The answer is one and the movie was Die hard part 2
only the man was going to st Ives .. he met everyone and everything else on the way.
Carlo said:Tripped me up bad! I got hung up in the math and thought I was "slick" for not counting the sacks. Doh
momof6kids said:Here's one for you: ;D
On a distant planet there are four forms of life, zadohs, pugwigs, kahoots, and zingzags. All zadohs are pugwigs. Some pugwigs are kahoots. All kahoots are zingzags. Which of the following statements must be true?
1. Some zadohs are zingzags.
2. Some kahoots are zadohs.
3. All kahoots are pugwigs.
4. Some zingzags are pugwigs.
5. All zingzags are zadohs.
6. Some zadohs are kahoots.