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RO water pressure

I live in a apartment and my water pressure to my RO is about 35-40 psi while using no other water. This greatly affects my daily production. I have a water general 110gpd RO, that is producing about 20-25gpd. I have looked at pressure pumps for the line, but they are expensive. The RO is being fed by a 1/4" tap valve off a 1/2" line. Anyone have any suggestions/tricks to increase the pressure?

Thanks in advance.


I have the same problem in my house, water pressure is only 40 PSI, its very frustrating, as it takes forever to make large batches of RO. The only thing I can suggest is to increase the temp. of the water going through the RO unit, as this will increase your production. Do not make it hot water, make it about 70-75 degrees.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
To heat it you can get a bucket with a heater and coil a long length of the supply side tubing in it.


Thats a good idea, but I was figuring he had it coming from a faucet where he could just turn up the hot water valve. I guess alot of people have the water coming directly from the water pipe.
You could feed the RO/DI unit hot water, but in a way it's counter productive. While you will get more water, the water from the RO filter will tend to be of lower quality. Of course the DI filter takes up the slack and the DI resins will run out faster.

As pointed out you could add a pressure pump. You could also add a second RO filter in parallel with the first. Another 100 gpd RO filter would get you up to about 50 gpd. Not ideal, but no pump would be needed.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You can buy the booster pump from the current group buy as I am going to. It is setup as a demand pump, meaning when hooked up properly it will turn on and off as needed to maintain the correct pressure automatically. No switching or unplugging needed.

I know I can buy a booster pump, I was looking for an alternative. Also even with a 20% discount from AWI the other site is cheaper for the same pump.