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Rowreidr's 20L transition tank

Two weeks ago, I transferred everything from my 2 year old 5 gallon nano (6 lbs of rock, sand, a watchman goby, a pistol shrimp, and a scarlet hermit crab) into a 20 gallon L glass tank,. Went with coarse Florida crushed gravel, added 8 more lbs or rock, and a friend donated a barely used Aquaclear 50. On Amazon, I picked up HOB skimmer, a small powerhead, and 2 x 30W LED lights.

Been recycling with lights on (6 1/2 hours at 20% power), skimmer on to break it in, and carbon in the Aquaclear.


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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It's looking good .. needs some coral..


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Thanks! Corals are one of the reasons I am here. I signed up because of all the knowledge and experience I have seen here. Like the idea of “documenting” my progress and hopefully this will stimulate discussion or at least be helpful for someone else. Onto the tank.


A friend gave me an Aquaclear which is running some floss and a big bag of carbon.

For skimmer, I picked out a $63 HOB (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01597SD8Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). They rate it to 60 gal, definitely smaller than the CPR, so probably in the ball park. Still breaking in and I like that the inflow and outflow can be adjusted.

For the powerhead, I went with a 2 for $15 dealy (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00YYIHGXS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). They rate it at 530 GPM, and it does push a lot of water, especially on its side of the tank. I thought it might be too much for the iivestock, but they seem to have adapted. I think I can add strategic rock and further “divert” the flow yet keep it flowy enough for corals. I use the 2nd one to mix saltwater.

The lights took the most time to research, pick out, and install. I really like what I saw about the controllable 165W LED, but knew that was overkill and couldn't come up with a “wife-OK” way of hanging it. I ended up with 2 x 30W hang on LED with basic output control for $51 each (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079JTB5Q5/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). These are meant to hang on a rimless tank, so I just attached them to a 3/4 inch thick piece of wood, that I just placed standing behind the tank.

Other than the Aquaclear, the other items seem to be in the Chinese knock off family. So, I am already going into this with the thought that this are more likely to fail. As this is supposed to be a temporary tank, I’m hoping no more than 18 months, I’m ok going this route.

So, to the community, anything else to add?

1) I used to run a UV sterilizer in the past, but doesn't seem like anyone else does this days

2) I also tried the refugium thingy on the more recent 5 gallon, I had prior to this tank, and did notice a positive effect, but was too difficult to maintain in such a small space. I have the room for a refugium (hang on box with very slow flow vs the small CPR/knock off with an in tank pump).

3) An auto top off would make my life easier. I am used to my manual top off twice a day, but thinking ATO would be better for stability,.. I have no knowledge in these. Admittedly am a little intimidated by the pictures and videos of wires and tubes going everywhere and some control unit hanging

Thats it for now, going to bed…
Live stock:

Blue spotted watchman goby, aka Grumpy, and pistol shrimp aka Digger, kept things interesting in the 5 gallon. They definitely appreciate the new real estate, and formed a cave system underneath the R sided formation. Been feeding almost daily for now, keeping them pretty active.

Scarlet reef hermit crab, aka Hermie has been with me since the beginning. Was very happy in the 5 gallon until Digger came, and then just stayed on the rock. They seem to get along better, mostly because Hermie has more space to stay away. Has been in the same shell and molts infrequently, because of my previous feeding regimen, but probably will start growing in this tank.

Future fish wise, I am dreaming of a small 6 line wrasse, but not so sure how would get along with the goby, and a small clown to eventually host into a “centerpiece” hammer/frog spawn in an otherwise soft coral tank. Realistically, not sure of putting a LPS in a 20 gallon tank, but I think I have the space and ok on the tank volume, as long as I stay on top of it.

Clean up crew wise, need something for the substrate, but not quite sure what. Snail and other stuff when the tank matures.

Thanks for your time.

Grumpy: https://photos.app.goo.gl/D1iNd68dJc7vaYqDA
Digger: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NuR3718q4XxUFbZt9
Hermie: https://photos.app.goo.gl/sJ516LBX7fN3MemR6

Digger.jpg Grumpy.jpg Hermie.jpg


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Lps should be ok, as long as its maintained

The wrasse should also be fine


NJRC Member
Please let us know how well the skimmer works once it's broken in. Always on the look out for a good nano skimmer.
It’s coral time!

Spent the last week bringing up salinity to 1.025 from 1.020 and checking out more local fish stores. Parameters in good range and my results matched the store tested values, so feel better about using the rest of my API test kit.

Picked up an 8 headed green duncan and a rainbow colored favia last night. Dipped and temporarily placed. By morning, they were opening up. When I got home from work, the duncan was full size and favia looked hungry. Did a small spot feeding with mysis and the juice. They quickly devoured and family was very entertained. Pictures are about an hour later.

Higher res images on google photos:

Duncan: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KP6Z2q5dishEhVKZ7
Favia: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hRHYTVihim6rBGNB8

Nice Favia, I'd add a lid / screen top to the tank incase of jumpers, always a bit of a challenge with hob items as the fish will still find the gaps but should help.
Thanks for the comments.

In terms of the skimmer, it is starting to gunkify. More air intake would be nice, which I might play around with, once it matures. One con is that you cannot access the separate chambers after removing the collection cup, like you can with the CPR bakpak, for cleaning purposes and was thinking of converting to a potential DIY algae scubber.

I do have the glass top, without the back plastic piece, that I take off for pictures. During evaporation week, I ran topless, and got to see how much of a difference it makes (at least 2 to 3 times more water replaced daily) and my grossly underpowered 25 watt heater was on the whole time, new one on the way.

The corals are from Iconic Aquariums in Tenafly, thanks to Iconic Aquariums Shop Info. Joe was very helpful showing me what would work well in a tank of my age, i.e. no acans yet. The favia was an unexpected purchase. I was not a fan of brain corals in the 90s, but I had never seen any colored like this. Looks like the right side was not happy with its prior neighbor, but the smaller mouths to the left and backside, tell me it was growing. Epoxied up some dry rock to mount and made a small island, in case I have to move it around.

For now, prefer purchasing locally. I want to see them at baseline, before being transported and stressed out. I think I'm still in line for some fancy zoas from a well known member here on NJRC (i.e. hallucinations and hyper jubilee, hee hee), and looks like the consensus is that I should at least make a trip to central and south jersey to check out some of the sponsors.
Ha ha. I was just reading about them and POTM.

Sounds like my kind of gathering. Not sure if I can make it, i.e. have to run it by my wife and explain why I am leaving her with all the kid duties for a Sat afternoon. Hopefully, I have enough credit/hubby points!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Ha ha. I was just reading about them and POTM.

Sounds like my kind of gathering. Not sure if I can make it, i.e. have to run it by my wife and explain why I am leaving her with all the kid duties for a Sat afternoon. Hopefully, I have enough credit/hubby points!

Bring them along, the more the merrier. Just remember to rsvp


NJRC Member
Quick update.

Busy week and weekend, non tank wise. So, my "favia" is actually an acan echinata, of some rainbow type. I picked up a small zoa frag and two small hammers from @Wilson (thanks!). Did some rearranging for flow and coral placement.

Tank shot with everyone except Hermie.

higher res image: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gt3XRF9P8pLLUBxbA

View attachment 20978
Good read man tank looks cool i currently have a 10gallon going into a 32 bio cube waiting on some money to buy a light going for the ai prime hd supposedly it’s magical
Yah, I cheaped out going with the black box LEDs. Had to return one because the cooling fan would not turn on. Definitely will be going with quality lights when I upsize tank. Otherwise, I see why there are diffusers and hybrid systems, but going to stick with these for now.

Rock formation is still changing. With only 1 non controllable powerhead and the HOF, I'm trying to use the rock to block and redirect current so, its not just circling like a toilet bowl.

Non picture update:

Picked up a coral rack that I put on the back wall and moved one of the hammers in it. Also got 4 snails (cerith, nassarius, trochus, and an astrea). Family is not impressed and a little grossed out. They also requested another fish. Saw a 4 line wrasse that I think I should have bought, but holding off for now. Want to see how my tank stabilizes. Livestock doing well. Corals seem to be adapting. Parameters are stable.