• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Sales Forums

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
See what happens when you open your mouth
Now my membership status is in question SMH
Lesson learned

Dan it has nothing to do with you opening your mouth just happened to fall that way. There a list of users who accounts need to be checked and I been working my way down that list. I started last night and done some more this morning and there still more to be sent out.
I'm kinda glad they did save me the $12 unless they open deals and steals to everyone then it's worth it :)
Really 12$ I did not think 12$ a year was bad price .may be I'm wrong..

It isn't that it is a bad price. It is more of, what does the $12 give you? It gives you access to the for sale section which is pretty dead and it gives you the ability to vote. Even at $12, that isn't enough in my opinion. I'd rather give $50 to the Coral Restoration Foundation.
Really 12$ I did not think 12$ a year was bad price .may be I'm wrong..

Most of us will search through 5-10 sites to find a $1 difference in salt prices! LoL

I don't know the ins and outs, costs, time commitment of running this Org. All I know is that it used to be much more active. The club dues thing is obviously not working out as I think it was stated that there were only about 200+ subscriptions and now even a bunch of those could are not legit. Maybe an out of the box suggestion is to try to amp up more Group Buys where the Org could take a small cut of each persons savings. Meaning If we do a big Salt buy and we are saving $5 maybe the Org keeps $1 of that savings. Are we doing any fundraising/raffles at RAP? I feel that opening up the sales forum grows the community. I recently bought something from a member I had never met before and he was a great guy. If I see a post by him I am more likely to respond and if I see him at RAP I'll definitely talk to him. Keeping the sale forum open can only benefit the group by adding to the activity levels of the forum and bettering our overall community which I think should be the focus of the group.

Side Note: Now that I am writing this I am wondering why paying the $12 for the membership is such a big deal to me and the only thing that comes to mind is that when I initially got the membership a few years back I was so excited that I would get discounts at LFS and I would get into great conversations with the workers. That all ended as I was shut down over and over at those LFS giving me lines like "oh that discount doesn't apply on sale items" when they consider everything in store as a sale item. It kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Can we put this to bed as it seems many have voiced their opinion and the outcome will not change at this time.

We should focus now on making the club better and there are many good ideas here and in other threads.
But we have been saying the same thing for years. "Ways to make the club better" and here we are still the same 5--10 people posting a day we just gave gave the BOD a way to make the club better open D&S
Why does the BOD get the last word I say we vote on it


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Ok if that's how it's "supposed" to be let's put a frag swap up for a vote. I'm sure we will see n overwhelming yes vote but when a thread is put up for volunteers we will hear crickets. It's easy to play keyboard BOD member but when it comes down to actual action we get near nothing. Hell we are having a hard time filling slots for RAP. Everyone wants it all but don't want to do anything when it comes to it. Anyone ever sit back and think "why have members who were active and on the BOD not around so much anymore?"


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
One last thing before I completely bow out. Everyone is concerned with what "benefits" paid members. What benifits are there to being on the BOD? Right now I'm seeing less than being a member and without a BoD this club doesn't exist.
Talking about this stupid for sale forum is what drives people away from this club.

Let it go. It's not coming back.

Drives people way? No the 1 or 2 post a day is what drives people away there is a simple solution to all this open D&S bring in more traffic more post more active it's a snowball affect
The majority of the club wants to open it the BOD doesn't
The by-laws say we have the right to vote on it. So what's the problem. Open up the polls and let the members that pay every year vote
Telling us NO not going to happen that's that is messed up. I know the next step is going to shut this thread down and and pretend it never happened . Then a year will go by and someone will bring this up again and we will talk about again so see everybody in a year :)
I am new in the club as a paid member I just want to comment the instead of been complaining about this wy all the members paid and unpaid members don't get more involved with the club and promote a NJ club I am very happy with this club and we are responsible of making this club better

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And about the swap nobody on the bod knows how to run a swap, the swap was ran by the same people ever year, I ask about the swap and was told they had to much going on now what do they got going on. The NJRC was about the swap every year now we dont even have one.
And about the swap nobody on the bod knows how to run a swap, the swap was ran by the same people ever year, I ask about the swap and was told they had to much going on now what do they got going on. The NJRC was about the swap every year now we dont even have one.
I was talking with trio about that I work in renaissance hotel I was talking with the sales person but I have a surgery so I have to postpone everything. I will talk to the gm and sales person to try to make a frag swap like I said before if we put everyone to work just a little bit for this club we can make it great and much better the other one's and I'm sorry with my spelling

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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
My 5c.

I love this place.
Met a bunch of good people.
Have received corals and supplies in amounts that I couldn't afford at times due to generosity of members.
Have donated a load of corals and supplies to other members.
Appreciate all the back office folk do to keep this place up.
$12 a year is the price of a six pack.
Seriously, $12 a year is worth it just to keep the site up.
Enjoy this place and the people so much that I'm looking forward to hosting another meet, with catering and growlers thats going to cost me a TON more than $12, and I'm happy about it.

No one saying anything about the cost being high that's not what this is about its what you get for it.....nothing everything you said above mark you can do without paying any money. So why pay $12 when the only thing I'm missing is D&S that never has anything on it. I think everyone is missing the point here yes we know everyone loves the club and it's a great place to meet people and talk reef we got.....just me we got it

The problem is the majority of members wants to take a vote about something and the BOD doesnt seem to want to do it