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Sand detritus question


Staff member
NJRC Member
I'm sorry if what I wrote came out wrong. I'm not saying anyone was wrong I was just adding to Nikki's suggestion to replacing all at once. And I think I read a few post ago about you considering no substrate that's why I suggested the reef central thread

I will take some blame here too. I didn't mean to imply Nikki or anyone was wrong either just if you ask 10 people you get 10 different opinions.
Steve, thanks for the offer; if I need it will give you shout.


Staff member
NJRC Member
After removing the hair algae manually about 2 weeks ago my Nitrates test at 40ppm as of today. I just did a 10g water change sucking out dirt and sand.
My house stinks from this stuff. I will need to remove the sand bed for sure now.
I would do it fast. A sand bed should not stink. If it does, you have a big problem. The only time I have had a sand bed stink, it had gone anaerobic and the tank was crashing.